Letters from an ink heart By Katherine Lightwood

Letter from an ink heart

By Katherine Lightwood

After a long while, a very long while... I am writing again. With a heart filled with invalid emotions, thoughts, ideas that are not fit to present in this world. That is not worthy to expose...

Sentences with grammatical errors, that has unspoken and forbidden feelings wrapped around it. Sentences that people around me don't get, sentences that are rejected...

Sorry for being loopy. But what exactly are valid feelings? What are "bold" emotions...? What are thoughts that are called "right" in this world...? What is "right", what is "wrong"...? 
The world itself says nothing is "right" and nothing is "wrong"...but the naysayers ... why the world itself has become a naysayer...? They say when you go through "fire" you become a "piece of gold"...but they never say that some burn and become ashes... Pure black ash, that mixes up with earth or vanishes with the flow of strong winds...no one ever say these parts.

Everyone is so obsessed with the concept of "inspiration", "happiness", "success"...Sometimes I feel that as if these terms have lost all its charm. It has been so overused that if you feel any other emotions apart from that then you are a "Sinner". If you ever feel sad or your face shows any kind of depression then you will be rejected by the whole world. You are not allowed to feel these emotions. The world is ruled by fragile confidence and show business... The world is ruled by a power that feeds over others. "Others" who are considered as "ashes", those who are supposed get vanished in thin air.

The world screams about the concept of something that is "larger than life" when they themselves are so...so insignificant in this universe that they exist in. The world erases those who are feeble. It despises those who don't belong to the herd, those who are different. Even nature, that's what "Survival of fittest" says. Survival has become difficult in this blue planet. As time is passing by, the whole existence is tricking me to become the flaw, that "crack" into a beautiful glass vase.

There is such a huge difference between theory and practicality. The "theory" is so perfect. Filled with aspirations, hopes, inspirations, and life. Whereas the "Practicality"... it's corrupted. It's nasty, filled with countless errors, blames, imperfections. Even after knowing all these, we fantasize the practicality to be more perfect than the "theory" itself. "Theories" doesn't exist, only the thing that matter is "practicality". But I am hopeless... hopelessly running behind "theories" that never becomes practical, that never even exist...Maybe that's why I am rejected...because I am too attached to "theories".  Maybe that's why... 


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