Untitled Grief Part-27 By Katherine Lightwood

Untitled Grief Part-27

By Katherine Lightwood

Broken inside, I wished upon a shining star,
Not knowing it has a price, it was way too far.
I wished my wish to come to life,
Instead, it cut my soul deep with a knife.
I let out a cry, but it came out like a sigh,
Felt like angels were laughing too, from the up high.

That glimpse of the star was fading away,
I was dying from inside, that's what they say.
Holding on that last drop of hope,
But who wants to stay, they all elope!
Was dying on that night, beneath that starlight,
All hope was gone, as I didn't want to fight.

Unworthy was I, I wished upon a star,
Not knowing my worth, it was way too far.
Broke my bones and broke my heart,
Sitting calm in silence, preparing for the depart.
Now I let the dark claim my soul,
As I am lost, rejected by my goal. 

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