Lament of a Dying Heart By Katherine Lightwood

Lament of a Dying Heart

By Katherine Lightwood

When is the last time you felt loved, needed and felt as if you are worthy?
Isn't that the actual meaning of being successful. When is the last time you felt that? When is the last time people around you or situations around you made you feel that you are needed in this world?

I don't remember mine...

Thing is that there is various logic around the world that makes you supports the idea that you are loved and cared. Suppose you have parents, friends, and colleagues that proves that point. Imagine all of this is false. Imagine that the reasons you've fed in your brain are all false. What if, everyone turns against you.What if, the closest ones are the ones who think you are a nuisance...a joke. Your strength, your belief all have been broken into pieces... How will you survive...?

What will be your enthusiasm for looking ahead, waking up and going out for work...
What will be your motto of life when you are made to believe that...."you are just a speck of dust on a perfectly white sheet of paper". And what if, you exactly are a speck of dust?

You are working hard to make a change. You are spending your blood, sweat, and tears to make a difference. Imagine it is for no reason. Imagine you are just shooting arrows in the thin air......

The dust and grease was melting off my face,
Where I was supposed to be clean and dressed in lace.
Fear was dancing with glee and was in a hurry,
I was vilified just for not being sorry.
I was laughed at because I've cried,
I shouted and screamed, they thought I lied.
I was suffocated from the core,
My trust is broken, as I tell this lore.
And again I was unheard, 
Unspoken and covered in the dirt.
Got buried beneath my nervous laughter,
Started to chase forbidden thoughts that I was after.
Just to get a breath of fresh life,
Just to live again and feel the vibe.
But alas, I am banished...
Broke myself, before I vanished. 

Katherine Lightwood   


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