That's why I love Thanos By Katherine Lightwood

That's why I love Thanos

By Katherine Lightwood

Today is Dusherra, a celebration of a fight that was fought long ago, a fight of good versus evil. A fight where 'good one' won and 'evil one' one perished. It was not a regular fight. It was the fight between gods, demigods, and demons.

'They' say that the world is governed by God who is the epitome of Goodness. But if you need the creation to exist then there has to be a perfect balance of Good and Evil.

Today while hanging out with our teacher, me and my friend were asking him about his compassion for artists and understanding of artistic minds. And he told us about how every mind is necessary for the existence itself. We need everyone, lawyers, artists, doctors, teachers, psychopaths, and even the evilest of our kind. He was explaining to us, how with some co-ordination from everyone we have evolved into a new modern world. A world where we are existing with a perfect balance of utopian and dystopian thinking. It was is both a sad and beautiful thing. As he finished his sentence, I just burst out a nervous laugh. I said to him that his thought process is just like Thanos form Marvel Comics. Even though we laughed at it but my mind was stuck in that single thought process. Isn't that's what Darwin said in his theory Survival of the Fittest.

Our whole existence revolves around this fact. Believe it or not, one can only become a winner or successful at something when others can become losers. We can only win a fight if our opponent can be defeated. We cry on our losses we make merry at our gain, we have pain and pleasure and many more aspects in life where we have contrasts. The sole purpose of the world lies in competition. Our world evolves with time so that it can survive. And with evolution, there are always losses and gains. The millions of species died so that others could evolve. We all are destined to die just like that. It sounds very grim if we look at it from a negative perspective. But it is the TRUTH. And that's what Thanos did.

I used to hate him because I was devastated by the death of Ironman. But today I realized something that world truly lies in competition. We can't cry over the fact that something didn't work out or we lost or something bad had happened. It's all part of the plan. And every one of us is part of this large celestial plan. Some of us have to die so that others could survive. Some of us have to lose so that others could win. Some of us have to get rejected while others can have their chance.

Now, if you want to win then fight...fight for survival. It's the only way you can win.

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