My Pre Planned New Year Celebrations By Ritu Sharma

My Pre Planned New Year Celebrations

By Ritu Sharma

How are you all doing! Hope you are having some fun!!

Well !! I am having quite fun these days. A few days ago our teachers throw a really big party for us on the occasion of Christmas Day. And it was so much fun. We ate pizzas, burger and lots of coke. We danced to some of my favorite dance numbers. It was a really memorable day for me. And I will cherish this memory throughout my whole life. I was really in deep gratitude as our teachers did so much for us and in return, we couldn't do much. Wish I can show my thankfulness by working hard and study well so that they could understand how amazing they are. Yeah, So I am trying to do that.

Now, apart from that, not much is up with my life. Recently my cousin got married and we visited our hometown. I had loads of fun there. I got to meet my cousins, uncles, and aunts whom I couldn't meet often. I got some presents, which added extra bling to the fun. So, last year was very crazy filled with festivals, functions, and chaos. And only I got into an in-house internship in our institute. And this got me into lots of work. And it's about Digital Marketing. I am definitely enjoying that. We got to learn lots of things which I didn't and any idea about before. And I am very honored that they shortlisted me for such a valuable internship.

As you might be very familiar with habits if our teachers. They always give us assignments to create posts for our blog, especially in festive seasons. and what could be more festive than Christmas and New year? Speaking of Christmas make sure to visit my previous blog where I am talking about some nostalgic memories of my Childhood Christmas I spend with my family.

So, I got a bit less time to work on my recent post. But, I will say I tried my best. Our teacher has told us to create a GIF animation for the post. And to create this I used Adobe Photoshop, as it is very convenient for creating GIF animation. I've seen our other contributors creating GIF animation using Adobe Flash, but I am not very familiar with that software so I've created the same thing with Adobe Photoshop. And I am finding it quite easy in that software. Well! my concept was only to show firecrackers bursting and a simple text of happy new year 2018. I was running out of the deadline, so somehow I completed my assignment and showed it to my teacher. They were quite impressed with my skills. I was feeling motivated. And that was my GIF animation for New Year.

We've talked a lot about work, let's talk about some fun things, shall we? What are your plans for this New year?

Well!! I am planning to go to a fancy restaurant with my siblings and eat some of my favorite dishes
and then watch firecrackers bursting at midnight. This moment is really special. I and my brother and sisters go to our terrace and watch the starlight and firecrackers. And that will be my New Year's Celebration. Completely preplanned. I am sure you might also have plans for this special day.

So guys, now it's time for me to sign out from Crimson Creed.  You can also follow us on Facebook.
Till then Happy New Year Guys.

Ritu Sharma     


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