That's how I got into my Christmas Vibe By Nandan Negi

That's how I got into my Christmas Vibe

By Nandan Negi 

It's one day to go and It's Christmas!!

The festival of love, joy, happiness, and prosperity. This time of the year always makes me so happy because it's winter and a month of festivity and fun. It's quite an exciting time for kids as well. 25th December is believed to be the birthday of Jesus Christ,  the Savior, and a Messiah. And the whole world celebrates this day to pay homage to his auspicious birth. Lord Jesus was born to mother Mary,  as it was a divine prophecy by archangel Gabriel. After he was born he did lots of miracles due to which people around him believed that he had something special as normal humans couldn't do that. He has powers like healing people or producing food out of nothing. It is believed that once he fed his hungry disciples when they had nothing to eat. He just prayed and all the empty baskets were filled with lots of fresh fish, bread and wine. Since then everyone started believing he is ' Son of God". He preached the divine prophecies of God. He told people to love themselves and their neighbors as well. He taught everyone the rule of love, friendship, brotherhood, and sacrifice. And that was the birth of Christianity which flourished all over the world.

I was not very familiar with this festival before as I grew up in a Hindu household and haven't got into much interaction with Christians. But this alienation diminished slowly as I was got in high school and gradually started to know more about this religion. My first official Christmas celebration was when I was in my 10th grade. Me and my classmates and teachers celebrated it all together. That day one of my teacher explained to us the real meaning of Christmas. And it really influenced me and
I understood the real message behind it. That day was really memorable for me.

As Christmas in on the way, our teacher gave us an idea to make some custom designs for this awesome holiday season and trying to make that.

There were many childhood memories of mine attached with the Christmas. I remember when I was a kid I always saw a man dresses as Santa walked near our apartment singing some songs I didn't understand. Back then, I had completely no idea who that man was or what he is doing. But now, as I remember I laugh at myself, I used to get very scared of him.
I thought he was some kind of bogeyman who will kidnap me and get me inside his big sack. It was really silly of me. But now I adore Santa a lot. Wish I knew that before when I was a kid.

I have always seen that Christmas is celebrated by every religion, caste, and creed. And it makes me really happy as if everyone is getting united and celebrating something which is so heavenly. That's why now, Christmas has been one of my most favorite holidays.

So, that was my background story of Christmas. I am also planning to celebrate this festival with a bunch of my friends and I hope you do that too. 
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Till then Merry Christmas guys and Happy New year. See you soon.

Nandan Negi 


  1. Wow Nandan, Nice Design!! Keep it up!! Can't wait to see more posts from you!!

  2. Fabulous man...nice think...great idea...strong concept...everything is cool...


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