Love is Confusing By Roshni Rao

Love is Confusing

By Roshni Rao

Hey guys...What's going on? Today is Valentine's Day.

And love is totally on the air. I am in such a good mood right now. All my decatronians are getting lazy in this day, even though I told them to get out and party a bit but seems like no one listens to me. But I am a big party pooper, I love going to parties. And that's what I am planning to do.

Since morning I am in a very happy mood, I can't explain you why because of obvious reasons. As usual, and came to my institute to attend my classes and now after completing that I thought why not spend some time on the blog. Letting things out is kind of relieving to me especially through writing.

Recently, Miss Lightwood asked everyone about his/her perception of "true love". And until now I've never thought about this absurd topic, but now seems like I have to face this nuisance. "Love" this thing has always been my greatest fear. Of course, I've dated a few but "love" is something I am very skeptical about. I don't know if it's real or not.

But whenever I try to think about this, it shook me from the core. I get really scared. I've read a few blogs from our colleagues, and most of their blogs seemed quite negative. As if they have been betrayed. I don't know their story, but is love that vicious? Does it really breaks people, and if that so why everyone is so passionate about this feeling. Everyone seems so hyped about this concept. I am truly confused by this whole world. Such a strange world is this.

All I've seen till now is that people seemed to equate love with extreme sadness and despair, it saddens me.  OK OK!! seems like it got quite dark, I don't like darkness on my blog. I am a very happy person, I don't preach my negativities.

This time our manager decided to celebrate this day in a very unique way. And of course, it will be making posts for our blog. And no, this time our teachers didn't give us any assignments for making posts.We became responsible enough to do make our own blog posts now according to upcoming festivals.

Well, if you ask me what love is for me I will say, it's about the connection that you feel with another person. The person will understand you no matter what the circumstances are. Love is very simple for me, not like what others tell me especially my colleagues. I find their opinions quite grotesque and weird. Or maybe I haven't experienced such a thing at all.  Who knows time will tell I guess. So, let's see where life takes me, and what experience I get from love.

That was my thoughts on the Valentine Day that passed. I know I am quite late for my post and I am truly sorry for that. Ok guys, till then bye, it's time for me to "sign out" from Digital DecatronYou can follow us on Facebook to see further info. 

Roshni Rao


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