That's How I Met My Love By Rahul Kumar

That's How I Met My Love

By Rahul Kumar

Hello World!! What's going on? Are you enjoying the season of love...??

Love seemed to flow in the air these days. Everyone is getting so excited about this Valentine's day. Well !! the day passed as expected. And I obviously spend my whole day working. Our teacher gave us some freelance work and we had to do that. So, the plan that I've made for that day, was completely ruined. Thought it would be awesome to spend that day with my love, but what a wishful thinking was that. No worry, for me every day is a valentine day when I am with my love.

Now, let me tell you a bit about my Love Story. Quite a strange encounter that was, when I first meet her. She was my sister's best friend. I have a mischievous habit of checking my sister's phone and that's what I did. One day she went out somewhere and left her phone on the couch. And seeing the golden moment I snatched it and started checking her phone. While searching her facebook friend list my eyes caught a profile of a very pretty girl. After an hour of stalking and checking her photos, I forwarded a friend request to her. And after doing that I realized what I just did.

It was too forward move, I got very tensed and thought what she might be thinking as I behaved exactly like a creeper. I was restless for that whole day and like I expected my sister came to know about this. And this was of course not a good thing. After a few days of argument and quarreling, she finally accepted this. Now, it was the time for "her" to accept, and by her, I mean "my love" of course. I was beyond terrified. I didn't have any idea if she was going to accept my friend request or not. It was my first attempt to hit on a girl. After few restless days passed and I got a notification on my profile. I was overjoyed after seeing that she accepted my friend request.

Finally, the day came when I had to meet her, I was getting so nervous but my sister calmed me down.  Our first meeting was simply enchanting, we connected like old friends and it felt like I knew her from so many years. Maybe that was love, the real connection. Till now I've enjoyed every moment I spend with her. She is a person who makes me better than I actually am. Whenever I feel low or unproductive she is the one who cheers me up. And that was my friend my simple love story, short and sweet.

Yeah, of course, there is a bit of dark side in this, we fight and have our fair share of arguments but we are matured enough to sort that out, and these things actually make us more close So, my friends that were my story about how I meet the love of my life. And I hope you liked it.

That was my thoughts on the Valentine Day that passed. I know I am quite late for my post and I am truly sorry for that. Ok guys, till then bye, it's time for me to "sign out" from Digital DecatronYou can follow us on Facebook to see further info.


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