Advancement of Technology: Where is it Taking Us. By Katherine Lightwood

Advancement of Technology: Where is it Taking Us.

By Katherine Lightwood

Today I was speaking with one of my colleagues Praveen. And that conversation literally cheered me up from the core of the heart. Even though, I was feeling quite unwell since morning but that was something which made my day and wreaked me at the same time.

Now you must be wondering what exactly we spoke about. So, ladies and gentlemen, our topic was about increasing advancement of science and technology. Now, of course, you might be wondering what's got in their mind that in their leisure time they are speaking about something which is not fun at all. And that's where my friends you all may get wrong. At first, our discussion was about how clueless we are with our career and how we lack inspiration on everything. But slowly, our discussion drifted into something we couldn't even keep counting on. From Elon Musk to Stephen Hawking, Larry Page to Mark Zuckerberg. The world is advancing my friends, at the pace that we couldn't even keep up with.

As I mentioned in one of my earlier posts that how rapidly the artificial intelligence is evolving. The day will not be very far when the 'thinking' can also be done by our machines and computers that once humans thought they are experts in. What is the world becoming, it's very hard to describe in this mundane language. Terrifying, sophisticated, peaceful, harmful, everything is losing its definition. The way our education system is changing, politics and world views, everything is getting revolutionized.

But who knows where we are heading towards. Once a famous scientist whose name I don't remember was saying that humans are a species who is meant to destroy itself. Now, how much truth it has in this statement, only future could tell that. I am simply spellbound by the way humans are advancing and taking our sepsis to that next level. God knows what our forefather's reactions would be if they see us now at this level of advancement. They will think that we are some kind of demigod or a race of sorcerers. 
I once saw an interview with physicist Michio Kaku, where he explained his views on this world's advancement in science and technology. And I was totally agreeing with him. This world is becoming something which is very hard to describe in words. Now it's up to us that in what way we will visualize this advancement, optimistically or pessimistically. My biggest unanswered question from all this is that 'is it humans are putting themselves in jeopardy?' What will be the result of all this advancement and sophistication? Will it be good or will it be bad?

And like always I couldn't wrap my mind around this thought. I always have a terrible fear that this advancement will take us to the dusk of humankind. And no this is not my negative talks, famous persons like Elon Musk and Stephen Hawking agree with that idea. Human beings have taken a huge responsibility on their shoulders that they don't even know about. They are playing games that they don't even know the rules about. And that's what I think, and all of this thought is from my own personal experiences. Now, let's see how long will we go. So, guys that were my thought about and I hope you get some insights from it.

So, that was my thought of the day. To see more posts like this make sure to visit our main page and facebook page. And do not forget to visit our institute's page to know more about graphic design, 3D, animation courses and other awesome stuff. Till then good day to you.

Katherine Lightwood


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