Live in the Present Before It's Too Late By Katherine Lightwood

Live in the Present Before It's Too Late

By Katherine Lightwood

Hello Friends...!!
Although yesterday's post was a bit weird and grim, today I am here again to ask you another question. Once I saw a very weird dream and in that dream, an old man asked me something which I couldn't answer. And that question was,

'If you had a power to stop yourself a certain age forever, which age would you choose?'. 

After I woke up from this weird dream I was sweaty and frustrated. I tried really hard to thought about a perfect answer. At first, I thought a toddler life will be nice because you can do whatever you want, you have no responsibilities or burden of life. People surrounding you will like you for being a drooling stupid person and where you can be as mentally retarded as you want and there is no one to judge you.

But after a day of giving it a constant thought, I quickly changed my answer. For a while, I thought the old age of above 70 would be better, you know because you are off all the responsibilities, you don't have to do and worry much, life would be peaceful. But you know what, I was not satiated. The fear of death just crept into me. I was unable to decide anything. It was the most difficult question someone has ever asked me, even though it's in my dream. And man, why do I get such weird dreams? I can't even wrap up my logic around it. Maybe it's a kind of symbolism that life wants to teach me. So, after fighting a lot with myself and asking lots of questions to anonymous people I somehow get to a conclusion. If I could ever stop myself at a certain age it would be 'this age'. I want to arrest myself at present. Now, ask me why? Well, It's not like I am having very much fun with life because I am totally not, but at this time I have the power to make a change. I have an opportunity to do something good.

If you want to live an amazing life, make a priority to live more at the present moment. You don't need big houses or fancy cars to be successful and happy, all you need is within you now. This very moment right now is all you need. You see all the sadness is created when we take our being away from the present moment when we linger in our past. Stress, disappointment, and anger generate from this past and it increases when we worry about future which we have no control over right now. Most of us seem to be always searching for someplace else, some better moment of the future but that moment never comes because when that moment comes we want more.

When we stop and appreciate everything at this moment, everything which we mostly take for granted, like life in our bodies and energy inside us, like the miracle of human life and creation.When we can truly grasp this powerful PRESENT MOMENT, then there will be no problems. We will only live in miracles. Many think being lost in the present moment might eliminate any chance of growth and success in their life. However, the opposite is true.

During the training period of our internship, my teacher told us something which I will probably remember my whole life and that was,

" Live such a way that if you die now, you mustn't have no any regrets." 

And that seemed like a spell that changed me. Although I get very sad, frustrated and suffer from anxiety but overall I am very happy with my life. I don't know I will live tomorrow or after 10 days but I am living in the moment now. I live and breath my passion. I use every second of my life now to live my passion, I don't waste time. Sometimes, I get intoxicated, as if I've drenched my soul in my passion. I enjoy every second as if I will lose it forever. And now, if death comes to me I will have no regret, apart from the usual fear of death. Now, this life is mine, I don't work for anyone or I ever will. And this is the beauty of the PRESENT. 

So, that was my thought of the day. To see more posts like this make sure to visit our main page. And do not forget to visit our institute's page to know more about graphic design, 3D, animation courses and other awesome stuff. Till then good day to you.

Katherine Lightwood            


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