What To Do When Life Is Tough By Katherine Lightwood

What To Do When Life Is Tough

By Katherine Lightwood

As you know a few days ago, I and my colleague Praveen sat with our teacher and he told us many important teachings of life. And in one of that, he said something about watching our life like a movie. When we told him that we get very anxious about everything, he just told us to watch our life as a movie played on screen but do not dare to stop it. Well, it's beyond our capability to stop it.

Today, I took an 'off' from my institute as I was feeling very down mentally. And I remembered his only word 'do not dare to pause your life', just go with the flow. This is a very simple fact 'right', go with the flow. But I wonder how many of us follow this thing. Maybe all of you, but it is insanely hard for me. All my life I've been holding o to things, that mattered to me, now it's very hard to go with the flow when life is so much fast. All the time I feel like I have to keep up, I keep on running and running but the train where my dreams lie always seems to leave. It's like a circle, the things and occurrences repeat itself over and over again. As if I do the same mistakes and same stuff again, but the previous memories seem to erase every time. They say things will happen when the time is right. But time is never right my friend, we have to make the things right. People surrounding me explain life in a so different way then whatever I see. I try very hard to understand their perspective but everything seems to be in vain. It confuses every time whenever I try to understand people. It makes me lose my mind. People are so tough to understand.

Life, for the most part, is tough as hell very difficult and incredibly unfair. If you have a lot of opportunities because your parents have money and raised you well but even though all these everything will still be tough. But what are your choices here, let's stop and think about these. Some might be born into success and if you are one of them then good for you. But what happens when you aren't. Pretty much you have to crawl through this nastiness for years and years and enjoy it as you do it and make something out of it and that's what the first option is. Or you can just stay in the 'nasty' or hell that you are in. And that's basically your two options. Except that life tends to be tough and another thing is that remember others have a way worse life then you have your own.

So, if you drown yourself in the well of self-pity you will remain in the hell. And no one I mean 'no one' will ever save you from this hell if you can't get out of your own. But here's the thing, we have more opportunities now then we had before, in everything. Here's you need to do if you want to get ahead. Completely cut out everything that doesn't support you. Any food that doesn't support you, every type of influence like televisions to toxic friends. Just don't look at it, it's like a medusa, it will turn your life over and wreak you.

You will be dead soon, much sooner then you might expect so do not waste your time complaining and pining over things. If you want to get ahead just tighten your muscles, grip, and heart. If you are scared numb your self and face the truth. You have to be like a fighter my friend, nature doesn't mercy anyone. You just have to live through it, there's no way out. And I am trying very hard to teach myself that. 

So, that was my thought of the day. To see more posts like this make sure to visit our main page. And do not forget to visit our institute's page to know more about graphic design, 3D, animation courses and other awesome stuff. Till then good day to you.

Katherine Lightwood           


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