"Fear" is Scary, but can be 'Powerful' By Katherine Lightwood

"Fear" is Scary, but can be 'Powerful'

By Katherine Lightwood

Fear gives us life. Being afraid of the right things kept our ancestors alive. It makes sense to be afraid of the poisonous insects or hungry tigers. But what about fear when there's no clear and obvious danger. For instance, a 'teddy bear' with a full set of teeth. There's something off about these images. Too much mystery and strangeness but no obvious threat. The way there is with a gun or a falling rock. Because they still insight fear and reason is they are creepy. 

But why? What gives us the creeps? What causes something to be creepy or scary? 
For me, it's very difficult to understand. Today, I was sitting in my classroom reading articles for my studies and all of a sudden a strange 'fear' gripped me. My heart was pounding like hell and I could barely breathe. I had no idea what was the cause of my intense fear but the whole ordeal just shooked me to the core. Taking deep breathe I thought to calm myself down, but oh boy, the situation seemed out of control. It felt like I was in a tight grip of spiderwebs of my own darkness.

In between the blurred lines of a bit of rational thinking, I had left, I remembered something my teacher said about fear. It is a very intense emotion which makes you alert, you can make a quick rational judgment, your vision gets two times sharper and you get stronger. Basically, you turn into a 'superman' and all the thanks to 'adrenaline'. I tried very hard by focusing on a video I was watching and trying to keep my emotions under control. At that moment, all I wanted to understand was my fear so that I can control it. But sadly, I couldn't.

Terror is the feeling someone's behind you, breath on your neck knowing that you'll be grabbed. But then turning around to find that there was never anyone in the first place. Terror is feeling that you are being judged or feeling that person standing in front of you is reading your mind, knowing every little thing about your thoughts and feelings. Terror is feeling that anyone can catch you off guard when you are being vulnerable or express your vulnerabilities in front of them. Terror can be a feeling of utmost rejection and abandonment.

Not a lot of research has been done on that feeling. The mystery has always been my favorite thing. It attracts me, it interests me but somehow it terrifies me. It's the fear of what's underneath the mask or what's beyond that sealed or forbidden door. Ok, my mind is going blank now and I am feeling creeped out. And before things get more out of hand I need to stop writing.

So, that was my thought of the day. To see more posts like this make sure to visit our main page. And do not forget to visit our institute's page to know more about graphic design, 3D, animation courses and other awesome stuff. Till then good day to you.

Katherine Lightwood                   


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