Virtual Reality is Amazing Or 'Not'? By Katherine Lightwood

Virtual Reality is Amazing Or 'Not'?

By Katherine Lightwood

After a long tiring day of the photoshoot, I finally came to my class and sat on my usual seat and started falling asleep. But, I tried not to, because it is a work area and it's very unprofessional to sleep and behave like this. A constant worry was poking my mind and it was the worry of what I will write for today's blog post. And for this, I asked Nikhil, our tech guy to give me some of the insight for what I'll write for the blogs. And he suggested one of my favorite topics which I completely forgot about and it's virtual reality. So, here are my thoughts on this topic.

In this era, everybody is familiar with virtual reality. It is kind of the newest, shiniest, fanciest technology to kind of come out lately. It's an amazing technology and it has the potential to be a lot more.

It's been said that the generation that has been grown up during world war two was the last generation to really know what the world their kids are going to grow up. Society, technology, and everything is growing so fast that we no longer know what its like for our next generation.

Now, the term virtual reality was first coined in the 50's but it took a while for the technology to ever really do anything. And even like the 60's and the 70's, there were universities where people started to invest some money, time and energy to create these simulations and it was ok. In, the 80s and 90s there was pretty cool stuff, but nothing that was accessible to the consumer, most people couldn't experience a virtual reality thing.

Virtual reality is the rich, visual, multisensory computer-simulated environment in which we could immerse ourselves and with which we could interact. For, sometime now it's being possible to construct super realistic 3D models for us to fly around in, interact with the virtual world. In science fiction films, they have shown us how virtual reality may play out.

On September 1, 2012, a young guy by the name Palmer Lucky, invented a head mount display that solves the problem of lag. Virtual reality without nausea. He launches this Kickstarter campaign and raises over 2 million dollars, way above his 250,000 rupees goal. His company was called 'Occulas rift' and two years later it was bought by Facebook for two billion dollars.

So, many people in this interactive storytelling community have been waiting for this for a very long time. Now, we've started to explore forms in virtual space like google glass applications or augmented reality applications companies that were accelerating.
So, that was my thought of the day. To see more posts like this make sure to visit our main page. And do not forget to visit our institute's page to know more about graphic design, 3D, animation courses and other awesome stuff. Till then good day to you.

Katherine Lightwood                 


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