Free will is not what you think By Katherine Lightwood

Free will is not what you think

By Katherine Lightwood

Today, my dear friends, I have a question for you. How much of your brain do we actually use? now, certain Hollywood movies might try and have you believe that we only use 10% of our brains. And what does that mean by other 90% is for? Just pointless pink mush?

We human beings actually use a hundred percent of our brains. But have you ever wondered how much of your brain actually makes you? And by "You" I am referring to the little voice inside your head. Your inner monologue, your consciousness.

Now it's hard to know exactly how much space your conscious mind takes up in your brain but we definitely know it is not the entire thing. Because there are many functions your brain does without you having to think about. For example, take breathing. Yes, you can control your breath when you want to but we don't have to think about it when in order to spare life. Located at the base of the brain, there is respiratory control center. Its signals are sent down to your spine to the muscles around your lungs telling them to tighten and relax so that you can breathe in and out.

However, when it comes to our conscious mind we are not actually sure how it works. We know it involves neural activity in front of the cortex as well as more activity all around the brain but otherwise, we are pretty much clueless. And we might even know less than we think we do because even the very idea that our mind controls our body might not be quite straightforward as we'd like.

And it might sound very counter-intuitive when it comes to your emotions your brain knows how you should feel before you do and actually tell you how you should feel by changing your body. However, this idea of your brain controlling you doesn't just apply to your emotions. In fact, it might even apply to something even simple like moving your finger.

So, my friends is the free will just an illusion? Is your conscious internal monologue merely a story that your brain tells yourself to make you feel like you are in control? Well!! I leave you with that.

So, that was my thought of the day. To see more posts like this make sure to visit our main page. And Do not forget to visit our institute's page to know more about graphic design, 3D, animation courses and other awesome stuff. Till then good day to you.

Katherine Lightwood    


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