An Introverts Brain is quite different By Katherine Lightwood

An Introverts Brain is quite different

By Katherine Lightwood

My digital marketing internship is over. But my heart is still on that ‘magic classroom’. Whenever I feel a bit disturbed or down I simply go there, sit in the empty room and stare at the white wall for some amount of time. 

And this is my most amazing experience of the day. I let my feeling take over me, drown me in the ocean of its own and let it affect my heart. I allow my feelings and thoughts to take full control over me. I allow my heart to beat million times faster and then go numb like a dead person. I let my fear take over me and make me suffocate until I choke and start coughing profusely. I let my anger emerge and take a shape of the evilest demon in the hell. And all these turmoil I am talking about, I actually like it.  This is me, a crazy me or says whatever. And I am an introvert; well!! That’s what my teacher says. But I can barely distinguish if I am insane or actually an introvert.    

The difference between extroverts and introverts is how each personality type gets their energy. Let’s focus on the extroverts first since they make up most of the population. Extroverts are social butterflies, they are outwardly focused. They focus on other people, what’s going on around them. And they don’t focus on them actually, which sometimes leads them to be a little out of touch with their feelings. They like working in groups and they have lots of friends. They tend to work through their problems by talking about them out loud. They need to spill their guts, rehash the pain and misery and get feedback from their friends. That’s how extroverts keep it real.

And introverts are inwards. And I didn’t have any idea about that before until my teacher buried this term in my head. And after I research about that I found that most of their characteristic matches with me. They live in the world of thoughts feelings, fantasies and ideas. 

And oh my god, I can go on and on about this topics. People often mistake introversion with being shy. But shyness is a little different; it’s actually a type of social fear. And introverts and extroverts can both be shy.

And let me tell you that these two personality types are the result of the different wiring of the brain. We all have something called 'ascending reticular activating system’. This is a part in the brain stem that ensures that the brain maintains an optimal level of stimulation at all times. 

And an introvert’s brain has a higher level of stimulation already going on. So, they don’t need much social activity to recharge themselves. Rather they are at risk of getting too much stimulation which then drains them and stresses them out.  Whereas extrovert’s brain has that less activity, there’s a lower amount of default stimulation buzzing around in their brain stem. So, for them to get to their optimal point for satisfied brain they need to socialize a lot more. Not enough socializing makes for a bored, depressed and unhappy extrovert.

So, that was my thought of the day. To see more posts like this make sure to visit our main page. And Do not forget to visit our institute's page to know more about graphic design, 3D, animation courses and other awesome stuff. Till then good day to you.

Katherine Lightwood


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