Some Mindful Talks By Katherine Lightwood

Some Mindful Talks 

By Katherine Lightwood

By now we all know that life doesn’t usually turn out the way that you hope it will. 

Lately, I have more and more days where I don’t feel ok. With all the news, entertainment, career and life, in general, I feel more depressed and anxious than ever.

And when I usually express these feelings I met with the response, 

“ I know but you just have to think positively”. “Thoughts influence your mood, so just fake it until you make it, and eventually you will believe that you are happy” and blah blah and blah….

And though positivity and resilience have its place, it feels like this sentiment is coming from a discomfort with negative emotion rather than prioritizing the process of healing or working through them. And to be honest I am just really tired of trying to mask my negative feelings.

Every time I’ve run from my feelings or try to smile them away, this buzzing feeling of anxiety only worsens and I don’t like to live like this anymore. 

And as much as my limited knowledge of Psychiatry, all I’ve known that we should operate inside our feeling and successfully navigate them and we should be fully present with them and then let them go.

It is so much healthier to be ok with not being ok!! Than pretend everything is ok when it is not…

As I slowly approach the corner of being in my mid-twenties I’ve started to realize that we are probably going to be not ok more than we are ok, and I have to learn to accept that and live with it. 

I’ve to accept that suffering is part of being alive.

Although it’s very difficult to stay focused with this mentality and it’s the part of life. If there is no suffering then how can we learn things? 

Pain gives us creativity, pain teaches us lessons that we shouldn’t have to learn if the situation was liberal. So, it’s a kind of bad thing in a good way. Some say life is unfair, and in this case, I will say all they are saying is the glass is half empty. And we should be focusing on the glass is half filled.

So, that was my thought of the day. To see more posts like this make sure to visit our main page. And Do not forget to visit our institute's page to know more about graphic design, 3D, animation courses and other awesome stuff. Till then good day to you.

Katherine Lightwood     


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