Stuff that exists in 4th Dimension By Katherine Lightwood

Stuff that exists in 4th Dimension

By Katherine Lightwood

Guys, this is crazy…!!

I have recently read an article and it says scientists have created a whole new kind of matter. And what’s that called…Time Crystals…!!

These strange things have properties that we haven’t seen in other matter.

Usually, a matter is motionless in resting state and only has potential energy until kinetic energy is introduced to it. For example, a ball is at rest and is full of potential energy and when it’s kicked that energy is converted into kinetic energy, the energy in motion.

But ‘Time Crystals’ actually move at their resting state or the ground state and that’s when the atoms have the lowest amount of energy. They are kind of like a ball that is forever in motion. In other words, they are always unstable down to the atomic level.

They are the first non- equilibrium matter ever created.

Regular crystals are an arrangement of atoms in repeated three-dimensional patterns. The patterns are duplicated through space, whereas time crystals duplicate their patterns through space and time.
So, they are also called ‘4- Dimensional Crystals’.

Well!! This concept was first theorized by Nobel Prize winner Frank Wilczek in 2012. He said that there could be a hypothetical matter that could move periodically even while in its ground state.  

In theory time crystals would move without the application of energy because they would be designed to be inherently unstable, breaking the symmetry of time resulting in atoms that are in perpetual motion.  

Now, how cool is that…It’s like some kind of ‘Philosopher Stone’. Gosh… Science is awesome and magical. And once this theory of time crystals was out, scientists focused on coming up with methods to create new matter that could break time symmetry.

Now if you are interested in reading more about time crystals then you better Google it because explaining it is not in my forte. But I am assuring you that it is so cool that your teeth will fall off. 

Two, a team of researchers at Harvard and Maryland took the challenge of creating the time crystal experiments and both were successful.

Now, if you ask me what is the significance of that time crystal? Well!! This new form of matter could lead to a future breakthrough in quantum computing and understanding the various forms of matter can ultimately take.  Scientists also believed that its evidence that time symmetry can be broken and non- equilibrium matter CAN exist.

So, that was my thought of the day. To see more posts like this make sure to visit our main page. And Do not forget to visit our institute's page to know more about graphic design, 3D, animation courses and other awesome stuff. Till then good day to you.

Katherine Lightwood  


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