Unseen demons of my mind By Katherine Lightwood

Unseen demons of my mind

By Katherine Lightwood

Ever heard a really good joke over polio? Or made a casual reference to someone having kidney disease? Or maybe teased your buddy by saying he has muscular dystrophy? 

Of course, you have never done that because you are not a terrible person. You will never make fun of someone having a physical illness. But folks make all kinds of off hands remarks about people having mental illness and never give it a second thought. How often have you heard a person say that someone is ‘psycho’ or 'schizo’ or ‘bipolar’? I can pretty much guarantee that the people who used those terms have no idea what they actually meant?

Physiological disorders and the people who have them have often been stigmatized. But at the same time, we tend to minimize those disorders using them as nicknames for things that people do think or say that may not exactly be universal, but are still basically healthy. And we all do it, but only because we don’t really understand those conditions.

And some of the most common disorders have their root in unpleasant mental states that’s a familiar to us all: and that is anxiety. It’s a part of being human, but for some people, it can develop into intense fear and paralyzing dread and ultimately turned into a fully fledged anxiety disorder.

From the outside it’s easy to think that somebody’s got it all figured out because I am calm, composed, doing my daily work, going for job and classes at my institute.  I must not have a care in the world as if it were expected from my demons to be worn like a danger sign around my throat. And they assume if you cannot see it then that’s not really there.
As if the pain doesn’t exist unless you are bleeding or slowing in a cast or staggering with a limp. But sometimes the most painful demons are the ones that can’t even see. So we learn how to smile, how to grin and bear it because nobody likes to talk about the tough stuff.

And that’s the saddest thing in the world. You have to pretend that you are ok in every situation when you are not. You have to put a fake mask over your emotions. Or people will question you; they will think that you are crazy. And if they do, you will be pricked by those thousand needles in thousand different ways. My one of the biggest question which people often asks me and I can never answer and that is “Why do you behave so abnormally”? I mean what am I suppose to say because ‘I am crazy’?

So, that was my thought of the day. To see more posts like this make sure to visit our main page. And Do not forget to visit our institute's page to know more about graphic design, 3D, animation courses and other awesome stuff. Till then good day to you.

Katherine Lightwood


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