What 'Touching' is in Quantum level? By Katherine Lightwood

What 'Touching' is in Quantum level? 

By Katherine Lightwood

Today, my mind fires a strange question 'Can we really touch anyone'?

And like always I will use quantum mechanics 'subtext'. Well, let's say we have two electrons. I imagine what we mean by touching is that they come in and they actually physically touch. Now, one of the problems is that an electron has a 'Zero Size'. And as far as I can tell no volume.

So, how do electrons actually interact with each other? After searching for some articles and experiments on the internet, I gathered some knowledge. They interact by exchanging a particle. In case of the electron, it's a 'photon' that they exchange. So, as they come in,, a photon is passed from one to the other which changes the momentum of both of them and pushes them off. so, they never really have to touch in order to interact with each other, to exchange that particle and therefore change the momentum and direction and experience a force.

So, what exactly we mean by touching something? Well, in this context, as we touch something we are exchanging force carrying particles and that's what touching is...!!

Now, this is where things get depressing when we think you've kissed your partner, pet your dog or hug your grandmother. you are not actually making contact with their matter. You are not technically touching them, you are just feeling the repulsive force of their electrons. 

But let's say maybe there's hope in this 'touching' scenario. Let's just avoid electrons altogether and ask ourselves if we can touch the nucleus of others. Maybe we can do that? But guess what you have to be a little bit radioactive if you want to do that and luckily people are a little bit radioactive. And hell no, I am not joking.

Now, let me share a weird fact with you. If you sleep in a bed with another person for the entire year your body actually exposed to one millirem more radiation then someone who sleeps alone. Even though it's a tiny tiny amount but I would prefer to opt the second option.

So, how did the radiation get there? It's the carbon 14 in air and potassium 40 in the bananas which is a radioactive isotope of potassium.

So, I couldn't find the precise answer to this question of 'touching' but all I could understand is that we can't do that. So, we are a lot far away from each other then you can think.

So, that was my thought of the day. To see more posts like this make sure to visit our main page. And Do not forget to visit our institute's page to know more about graphic design, 3D, animation courses and other awesome stuff. Till then good day to you.

Katherine Lightwood    


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