Untitled Grief Part-7 By Katherine Lightwood

Untitled Grief Part-7

By Katherine Lightwood

Writing sensible paragraph is getting impossible for me. So, here you go, another poem from my freakishly weird mind.

Like lethal bullets, the words ricocheted, 
That was my nightmare that I never appreciated.
Like a never-ending game that was, like a live wire in my heart,
Forlorn I 've become now, I've always played a forgotten part.
In between the silent breeze of thoughtful words about the part I've played,
I was losing serenity and my priceless bliss that will now get erased.

I am a wanderer, no rights I possess to claim this priceless gaiety,
Is this a strange nightmare or I wonder if it is a part of an enigmatic divinity.
So, I plead and I grieve to this abominable time that is passing by,
I wish I could capture a moment for just silent mourning and a happy sigh.
Alas!! I can't move as I am bound by the demons of my fanciful distress,
I laugh sometimes when countrymen of mine worry about my delightful stress.    

I can never know its clarity, about the moments that are leaving,
Sometimes I feel I am so stuck, when will it end, the silent trails of grieving. 
So, I kept playing with these priceless words, now hitting me like knives,
But somehow I will definitely keep these moments like engraved archives.
Now, I often sigh in melancholy and play with my unholy thoughts,
Pointless my grief has become now, just like a useless spot.

So, that was my thought of the day. To see more posts like this make sure to visit our main page. And Do not forget to visit our institute's page to know more about graphic design, 3D, animation courses and other awesome stuff. Till then good day to you.

Katherine Lightwood


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