What I've learned in my life till now By Katherine Lightwood

What I've learned in my life till now

By Katherine Lightwood 

With the usual strange morning blues, today I am having a bit of life review situation. While sipping the morning expresso and thinking about 'what will I write' for my blog, I got an amazing idea. Well!! the idea is amazing but I don't know what will be the outcome. And the idea is'What I've learned in my life after living for 24 years'. 

Well! if anyone asks this question to me then I will simply laugh at their face and say..."Dude Nothing". But that's not true. Honestly and very surprisingly I've learned a few things but in a very harsh way. And the past year 2017 and 2018 too, is being quite eye-opening for me.

Ok so without extra talking let me share some of the lessons I've learned.

1. TIME is a very very precious thing. It's incomparable, priceless and you will never get the time that you've lost. If you don't know me then let me tell you something about me. I am an absolute freakshow who has wasted many many years of her time doing something totally senseless. So, as I've said I've learned my lessons in a very hard way.

And now when the time is passing I am regretting everything and trying to hold on to the Time itself like a baby koala bear. But will the time stop never. Time is like a  river, it keeps flowing. If you put your hand in the water flow then it will never be the same water again when you do that next time. As wise men say, time and tide wait for none. So, this fast-paced time is simply washing me away. Now, I can't keep up with time, no matter how fast I run.

2. The second most important thing is a follow up of the first point. If time is passing like an insanely fast tornado then you should live and cherish every single moment. This was actually my teacher's saying. When he first said that I kind off didn't pay much attention to it. But after giving a few thought I got to know that what it actually meant. Earlier, I was living like a dead person, without any hopes or without any aspirations, just waiting for the demise. But now when I found a purpose, I am living every single moment without having regrets. Well, let's be truthful I am trying hard.

3. The third point that I've learned in my life is a bit grim. And that does not ever expect anything from anyone. If you do you are a sinner, like the real one. This is an absolute crime, not only for the society but for your own mental health. If you feel like doing something for someone then do it selflessly without expecting that anyone would do the same thing for you. Just do the work and let go. It is the real key to happiness.

So, that was my thought of the day. To see more posts like this make sure to visit our main page. And Do not forget to visit our institute's page to know more about graphic design, 3D, animation courses and other awesome stuff. Till then good day to you.

Katherine Lightwood 


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