Mental Journal of Dark Thoughts Part -2 By Katherine Lightwood

Mental Journal of Dark Thoughts Part -2

By Katherine Lightwood

The world is governed by only one rule and this rule is a mystery. No matter what you do, you will never be told what is this rule. There are different versions of this rule. Some might be told by your parents and some might be by your mates or others but the fact is that they are never true. The fact of life is that you will fight in a gladiator fight and if you lose you will die, if you violate the rules you will die but the scary part is that no one will tell you about your rules. You have to figure out of your own.

Sometimes, I think that our life like "Matrix", the movie. We are in stimulation and some hideous beings like to torture us making us dance into its tune like we are there mare puppets and that's what God is. We are fooling ourselves that God is great and he does everything right but that might be completely opposite to the reality. This is just a Hypothesis, I don't claim that it's real. But all I know is that truth is so much away from the reality. Reality lies on the world's simplest thing and that is most complex. An atom... small and simple thing yet no one could understand that. It is difficult, it's fuzzy and the model of the atom is a blur. I mean literally, 1s orbital is a sphere, 2s orbital is a larger sphere, 2p is dum bell and 3d has a weird shape that I don't want to talk about. They say the world is governed by laws of Physics, chemistry and the science in general...well, I say that's crap because we are only seeing one side of the so-called universe when there are a million sides.

People talk about what they are going to wear, what their friends said, how many flings they have and what are their crushes doing. When I am surrounded by all these people and they talk about "normal stuff" to me I just nod and pretend to laugh so that they don't make fun of me. I pretend that I get their vibe when I simply don't. Sometimes I think my life is playing a game with me and maybe it's playing with everyone. We attach ourselves to people, places, things and even time but fail to realize that it will erode away. We can't accept the fact and we blame people for that even ourselves. We always fail to see the bigger picture and that is this "Losing Game" is part of the plan. We are supposed to lose something so that we can gain and then lose again. We can never hold on to anything, anyone and any place. We have to keep walking no matter what because we are a traveler, all of us covering a long journey called "Life". 

So, that was my thought of the day. To see more posts like this make sure to visit our main page. And Do not forget to visit our institute's page to know more about graphic design, 3D, animation courses and other awesome stuff. Till then good day to you.

Katherine Lightwood           


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