Mental Journal of Dark Thoughts Part- 4 By Katherine Lightwood

Mental Journal of Dark Thoughts Part- 4

By Katherine Lightwood

Life is Unfair, Ugly and frightening until there is LOVE. And this is the most the most cliched thing I have said in the whole day. It's a fuel to the life, it's an "essence" for survival. Without it, life is just a spell of time where you have to exist and for this, you have to eat, sleep and breathe. Easy it may sound but actually, it is not.

Do you know what a lion does when it is hungry in the lonely forests of Africa? Even if it is sick, dying or in some terrible problem, it has to get up and travel through hundreds of miles in the scorching heat, chase deer, hunt them down, kill them and then it. So, that is the struggle for survival. And there is no mercy for lion. If it will not get up then it has to die. I know it's very depressing to hear but that's the truth. And Mother NATURE does no mercy. There is no law of mercy in the eyes of NATURE. It's only a selfish concept that humanity has created for itself.

Lately, I am facing the same thing. In the mid-day of my life, I am finding myself in the grip of self-loathing and self-pity. Frequently complaining about the smallest and petty problems that don't even bother other people. Yeah, that's how Life shows you things that didn't even want to see. My dear readers, my point is not to demotivate you but to motivate you in a bit unusual manner. In between this sourness, a hope that makes us alive is LOVE. And it can be of any form. Usual romantic ones, friendship, parental love and some other that don't even have any name.

Today, in the evening, me and two of my friends were talking about the hardships of life and unexpectedly our conversation took an unexpected turn. We suddenly found ourselves talking about "Love". One of my friends started to talk about his first crush, how does it make him feel. His nervousness, adrenaline rush, the smile that made him crazy and weak in knees. And there I was standing quietly listening to his lore of love. And it made me realize how simple it is and yet how complex this thing has become. Driven by the intense feelings of expectations and fantasy we make this feeling very "Strange". I've never understood what is right in "love", what not to do in love. Love has been always a mystery to me. To most people, it is like songs, flying birds, sweet breeze and what not. But for me, it is Terror and something that I could barely understand. They say when you fall in Love things change, but I think when you fall in love you become more "Yourself" or you become an obsessive-compulsive lunatic. Well, that's my perspective on things, who knows what is real.      


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