My Philosophy of Life By Katherine Lightwood

My Philosophy of Life

By Katherine Lightwood

Life is tough, very very tough. It is the toughest thing anyone could ever imagine. No matter how poor you are or how rich you are, one way or another you are surrounded by thousands of obstacles. It's like a journey where you are crawling over thousands of thorns and you can't wait or take rest. There's a flow to it. If you stop anywhere the thorns will get into your limbs and it will hurt way worse then it is doing now. You have to keep on crawling to get out of that place with a hope that things will get better. But the truth is that it doesn't. But this slightest hope makes you human. They say it's a source of creativity. If you stop hoping that means you are dead inside.

In this arena of life, we all are playing a game. Those who are winners could only survive. The losers have to die. It's like a gladiator fight... no place for weak. I am still a winner and struggling to win everywhere but with every passing day, the journey is getting tougher. The graph is going down. It's not something to get sad about. Nothing here is permanent. You know they say go with the flow. Now you are going with the flow and little by little that "Flow" will take over you. It's a fact of life. You know I sometimes hear people say, " Oh, I will die alone". And everyone is like "oh!! don't be so negative, stay positive." And when I hear them I sometimes can't help but laugh at their stupidity. Because it is the fact that you will die alone. Everyone dies alone, except people who get killed in mass murder or assassination. But that doesn't make any difference. Death is death and it is the same for everyone. And no any person or power could change that fact.

Life is like a game, an end game, an end to everything. And everyone who survives the birth has to play it. And you just can't run away. We all are prisoners of time. We can't cheat time or death. And it is such a universal fact that there are a bunch of movies about that...Final Destination and others.

It might be very weird but I find most of the facts about life very dark. And people usually don't like that. They want to wrap their head around the lies of life. That life is smooth, happy and they will not die alone, no one will betray them and lastly, they will never get insane. I usually speak very less and whenever I speak, I like speaking about grim realities of life. and that depresses people, I don't know why. But usually, that makes me feel more aware about myself. Survival is tough I get that and those who are surviving in this world I salute you. You are very brave and I hope your experiences will make you stronger. Well!! I am learning and hope could win for a bit long. And I hope after our demise we all could be in a happy place.

So, that was my thought of the day. To see more posts like this make sure to visit our main page. And Do not forget to visit our institute's page to know more about graphic design, 3D, animation courses and other awesome stuff. Till then good day to you.

Katherine Lightwood         


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