Untitled Grief Part-26 By Katherine Lightwood

Untitled Grief Part-26

By Katherine Lightwood

Was it a flame, that burnt my eyes,
Or was it a tear that washed away those lies.
Once I asked it a question and it became the one,
Once I thought it's a mirage, but I believe it's the one.
My heart aches in agony of those memories,
Once I used to hold on to it like those priceless glories.

Gone, O gone... it's now, beyond the horizon and the sea,
I let it go from my sight, now it's far and free.
Now I quiver in a fear, shiver and in tears,
Fear that my world is ending and nobody cares.
So, I curl up in the dark numbing my mind,
Killed my thoughts and try to be blind.

But between those blunt pain and the senseless agony,
That thought still bothers like some prick of a heinous felony.
I beg for mercy, I bed for forgiveness,
I beg for redemption from this absolute darkness.
But still, a thread from this thought lights up my heart,
Giving me hope, not allowing me to depart.

Katherine Lightwood


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