Science of Hopeless Expectations By Katherine Lightwood

Science of Hopeless Expectations

By Katherine Lightwood

Have you ever made a mistake...Not a regular mistake...A MEGA MISTAKE. A mistake that made you famous. You are known for it. It becomes so evident in your life that, nothing, I mean nothing in the whole wide life achievement matters. No matter what you do, your every action will remind you about this mistake, that you've done unintentionally.

Now, imagine you have done this same mistake again... with much greater intensity. Repeating the same actions, expecting the same results, wishing this time it will do wonders. But, fate again comes into play. And you ultimately lose...!!

My dear readers, have you faced any situation like this...?
Where, even though you know the consequences, you still want to shove your logic and reasons into the dynamics of that situation. But it just doesn't work. You get hopeless, tired and many more things.

Dear readers this is called HOPELESS EXPECTATIONS.

This thing is like a bitter poison covered in a coat of sweet nectar. It looks like hope, purpose, reasons to try again but unfortunately, it is not. It is something that makes you vulnerable and weak. Somewhere, in the horizons of your mind, you are expecting a result that you've always wanted since you've earned your senses. And through all your activities and your behavior, you manipulate the world and yourself to get down to that result.

Some psychologists say that's normal human behavior and every human does in some part of their life. But from my observation, I've always seen that this is the key factor that gives most of us the "Clouds of despair" or "Pain" in short, whether it's physical, mental or both. So, if this is causing trouble in most of the cases, then why it is not considered a mental disorder...?

I've read many articles and books about the human mind and everywhere it says to stop expecting from one or anything. The "expectation" is not healthy but no one has ever written how to not "expect".

Little by little, as I am moving in my life I am gathering strange lessons.

To kill the expectation, you have to kill the desire.   

And this is the most practical lesson I've learned since I was born. If I find myself expecting anything then I just kill my desire before it grows any further. It sounds kind of negative but it's true. I kill absolutely every drop of hope from that so that I do not expect. So, whenever I become successful at something or get a rejection, it doesn't affect me much. I just do the task as if it's my duty and I couldn't survive if I don't do it. I feel no joy for the praise or no sorrow for the rejection. I just don't feel anything. 

But sometimes I do expect, I fail in my own lesson...Then, it becomes the reason for all my pain and sorrow. I am failing but I am still learning.
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