
Showing posts from June, 2019

The maze of Unanswered Questions By Katherine Lightwood

The maze of Unanswered Questions By Katherine Lightwood "It felt like walking over a road of broken glass... willingly... again and again". The last thought that poked my mind and virtually left me bleeding in the darkest corner of my thoughts. It felt like I was pushing mountains from my chest but it didn't move an inch. These are some kinds of thoughts that infest the mind of people suffering from depression. When the world is blossoming in the warmth of hope, expectations, and enthusiasm, there are a group of people who are waiting to be forgotten. Buried under the burden of self-guilt, shame and disgust of their own thoughts, they are barely surviving. Most of us have seen such people in some time of our life, somewhere, but we always tend to forget them. Our demon of apathy grasps our thoughts. We sometimes make fun of them, behave unkindly and even harm them without knowing a bit about their backstory. We become the darkness itself....  the darkness th

Untitled Grief- Part 28 By Katherine Lightwood

Untitled Grief- Part 28 By Katherine Lightwood You sing the lore of broken melodies, Unspoken is your sorrow swirled with felonies. Restless and in desperation, painfully you sigh. The sparkling world thinks this is a lie. Hopelessly hoping for a drop of hope, Hope itself is shying away from you and is about to elope. Why my wanderer, why so grey? Your grim gaiety has all that to say. Melancholy is your path, has a smell of death, Death itself takes pity on you as if it didn't have any wreath. 'You' is 'I' and 'I' is you, A 'self-talk' with a broken heart and words of few. It's again, untitled grief and still, it feels so new. Katherine Lightwood Follow us on Facebook.

Science of Hopeless Expectations By Katherine Lightwood

Science of Hopeless Expectations By Katherine Lightwood Have you ever made a mistake...Not a regular mistake...A MEGA MISTAKE. A mistake that made you famous. You are known for it. It becomes so evident in your life that, nothing, I mean nothing in the whole wide life achievement matters. No matter what you do, your every action will remind you about this mistake, that you've done unintentionally. Now, imagine you have done this same mistake again... with much greater intensity. Repeating the same actions, expecting the same results, wishing this time it will do wonders. But, fate again comes into play. And you ultimately lose...!! My dear readers, have you faced any situation like this...? Where, even though you know the consequences, you still want to shove your logic and reasons into the dynamics of that situation. But it just doesn't work. You get hopeless, tired and many more things. Dear readers this is called HOPELESS EXPECTATIONS. This thing is like a

Untitled Grief Part-27 By Katherine Lightwood

Untitled Grief Part-27 By Katherine Lightwood Broken inside, I wished upon a shining star, Not knowing it has a price, it was way too far. I wished my wish to come to life, Instead, it cut my soul deep with a knife. I let out a cry, but it came out like a sigh, Felt like angels were laughing too, from the up high. That glimpse of the star was fading away, I was dying from inside, that's what they say. Holding on that last drop of hope, But who wants to stay, they all elope! Was dying on that night, beneath that starlight, All hope was gone, as I didn't want to fight. Unworthy was I, I wished upon a star, Not knowing my worth, it was way too far. Broke my bones and broke my heart, Sitting calm in silence, preparing for the depart. Now I let the dark claim my soul, As I am lost, rejected by my goal.  Follow us on Facebook.