
Showing posts from January, 2018

Is Our Political System Out Of Date? By Praveen Pal

Is Our Political System Out Of Date? By Praveen Pal  What makes India great? Everybody will have a different opinion, I believe it's Patriotism . It unifies the whole nation. India is a diverse country with over more than 100 ethnicities and many minorities. People here have different religious believes , political views, philosophical ideas and because of this, I am very proud to be an Indian. I don't know about you but I am quite concerned about the growing divisiveness in this country and in the world. No one's listening to each other. And might be we need an understanding of a broader context. Humans think in stories and we start to make sense of the world by telling stories. Now,  what is happening in India in these recent years? If we ask ourselves this questions and dig deep into our surroundings then we can find pretty interesting answers. According to what people make me understand is that the economy is being globalized, the politics is being libera

Are We Really Free? By Surbhi Mittal

Are We Really Free? By Surbhi Mittal  My friends!! Hello . Haven't written in a while so how you doing!! Dear friends life is quite different. It's like a river, with the different flow in different time. And you never know when it will take a turn. And yeah for me it's taking a continuous turn, my life is changing like a heavy overflowed river. Breaking every bank and every obstacle that is coming my way. Metaphorically speaking guys, but life is weird and sometimes quite unfair sometimes. Well, sorry for the sad start.  It's not sad it's rather philosophical. It's a way of life.  So, all my colleagues are so hyped and stressed about Republic day posts. Sometimes it's getting nauseating. If you take work as a task or a burden then it will definitely bug you. Take work as a passion and just immerse in it. You will not feel a thing. So this is my advice. Now, up to this point, I have talked about literally everything except republic day about which

When I was confused with Patriotism and Nationalism By Rishab Verma

When I was confused with Patriotism and Nationalism By Rishab Verma "Patriotism is when the love of your own people comes first, and nationalism is when hate people other than your own comes first." This is a famous quote by former French President Charles De Gaulle . And I read it another day in an old newspaper I've found under that and it got me into quite deep thinking. But I was interested. As republic day is coming I've got into quite patriotic thinking lately. I was curious to know more about nationalism and patriotism. I wondered what did that mean. And after a bit of research, I got to a conclusion. Nationalism means you're zealous in your support of your government and advocate your military in forcing your views on other countries. But patriotism is a quite different important thing. Patriotism is not about subjugation, violence or dominance. Rather it's about being proud of the ideals of your nations. I've heard these words qui

Real Definition of Modern Day Patriotism By Shubho Halder

Real Definition of Modern Day Patriotism By Shubho Halder  What's up beautiful people of the world.What's with you all today? Are you getting the patriotic vibe of republic day? Well, about me yes I am getting the vibe. So, what do you think patriotism is? Before, I tell you about its definition. Let me tell you what patriotism is not. Now, it's only my point of view, I am not claiming it as it is the ultimate truth. Patriotism is not only the love for country. Patriotism is not just blind trust about what our political or social leaders tell us to do. Patriotism is not simply showing up to vote. Waving a national flag could only be an outward sign of patriotism. Now, being patriotic is to revere the ideas that motivated the freedom fighters and compelled them, in many instances, to put their lives fortunes and sacred honors on the line. Now, I sometimes question myself, what exactly is modern day patriotism?  And is it different from the old definition whic

Unity in Diversity By Manoj Thapa

Unity in Diversity By Manoj Thapa Hi there!! how are you all doing? Might be good. Well, I am ecstatic. As Republic Day is coming, I am extremely hyped about all the festive mood. Well, guys if you don't know much about the Republic day, then let me tell you something about it. Our country got its first book of Law called the Constitution and from that day, it came into practice. Our country got its independence in the year 1947 and after that, it took literally three years approx to write that Book of Rules . It sometimes amazes me, why we have to have so many rules. Then I remember discipline man, we got to have the discipline to run a country. So, of course, it's a very big thing, that's why we celebrate this day every year. We celebrate our freedom, that we earned from the British colonial rule. For more than 200 years, they ruled over us and abused our resources which left us in complete destitution. But, we stayed strong and didn't let or weaknes

The Forgotten Soldiers of Siachen By Ganesh Yadav

The Forgotten Soldiers of Siache n By Ganesh Yadav Hey there!! What's up!! How are you all doing? Might be good might be not. But you know what my advice for the day, on this beautiful morning will be " just go with the flow ".  That's how our life is, life drives us to ways we've never expected and the reason is to teach us from all those experiences that we acquire throughout life. So, that's my positive thought of the day. I hope, my day would be fine and hopefully yours too. Starting with this new year I've got lots of plans, things I want to achieve, goals to reach and a lot more. So, what's up with me these days? If anyone's interested to know. I am busy with lots of shooting and stuff, concept designing and all. And soon guys you will see what I am talking about. I am very excited about my upcoming plans. Again, we all gathered around in this blog and the reason is again very obvious of course. We've got an assignment re

Are We Valuing Our Freedom? By Ritu Sharma

Are We Valuing Our Freedom? By Ritu Sharma Patriotism!! That word comes to my mind when I think about this national festival called Republic Day . And after more than 70 years of Independence , do the citizens of our country still have that flame in their mind which they had when they were fighting for the freedom from British colonial rule? I always ask that question to myself do we value our freedom in the way we should? After observation all, I've learned that citizens of this era don't have any value for the freedom they got from the colonial rule. We have literally no respect for the freedom fighters who have earned this precious freedom from their blood, sweat , and tears.  Try to understand me, today what do we do in the name of "freedom" ? In the name of "modernization, " we have even manipulated our thoughts and values. Now, we seemed to get ashamed of our "Indianness" , losing the essence of our rich culture. I wonder why i

Our Over Bragging Patriotism By Katherine Lightwood

Our Over Bragging Patriotism By Katherine Lightwood Hello, wonderful people of the world!! How are you doing? Hopefully fine. As this new year started, my life is completely turning over and god knows what will be the final repercussion, seems like only time will tell. So, there we go again another celebration another assignment and this time 26th January . Now, if any folks outside India are reading this then they might not know about this festival. 26th January is our Republic day . On this day our new constitution was implemented in the year 1950 , as India got freedom from British Colonial rule . Since then, the whole country celebrates this day every year to pay homage to the great martyrs who struggled for freedom and some of them even lost their lives. Well! enough with this historical talks I don't want the waves of boredom here. If you wanna know much about these historical tales then better google it. So, don't wanna brag about my country or an

What I've learned from my Vulnerability and Shame By Katherine Lightwood

What I've learned from my Vulnerability and Shame By Katherine Lightwood Hello World!! It's been a week that I haven't written a thing. As you might know from my previous post that I had to catch a flight and go somewhere I don't like or maybe you don't, doesn't matter. Now, the thing is that after a lot of time spent alone away from internet and city life I had some realizations . Realizations which usually wouldn't have struck me if I haven't been in a break. So break is very necessary my friends, if it's taken in the right way. So, you might be wondering what are those " fanciful realizations " of mine that would be worth sharing with the whole world. As I've told you before, my life is not that mundane anymore. It's been a hurricane every day. So, without wasting much time let me share with you some of the realizations of mine. I am just a girl who woke up after twenty-three years and realized that I am liv

Swami Vivekananda- My Inspiration By Katherine Lightwood

Swami Vivekananda- My Inspiration By Katherine Lightwood Behold !! The people of the world and listen to my thoughts!! Just kidding! You don't have to listen to me that seriously and even if I want to I can't make you do that. So without any further thoughts let's dive into our real business, shall we? As you might know, I call myself a Wanderer. Do you know why? It's because I am like a boat without a sail. For every moment, I have to seek inspiration from people surrounding me to live my life. And lately, it is getting very tough for me to find inspiration. As if I am getting more indulged in my old habits and falling in the loophole of the same outcomes that once created huge havoc in my life. I am scared and yet very numb at the same time. I am finding it quite difficult to write and process my thoughts. As I was going to my institute and doing the daily work that I supposed to do, I was feeling very hopeless and uncertain about everything. Desperate

I gathered My Inspiration from a Modern Sage By Ritu Sharma

I gathered My Inspiration from a Modern Sage By Ritu Sharma Hello, my beautiful friends!! How are you all these days? Hope you all are good. Haven't written in a while, so I thought to come through and say a few words. And NO! our teachers haven't given us any task to become Jane Austen in disguise. I am just here to share a few thought that is inspiring me lately. I was searching for some inspiration as I was feeling quite low for a while, and sick too.  Last night a damn motorcycle hit me and my leg just turned black and blue. So, I am in a lot of pain and it's turning worst. Sorry for pining for my troubles, let's focus on the main reason I am here. I came across a quote that opened my eyes to lots of different ways (well! speaking in metaphor fellas, don't take it literally). "You have to grow from inside out. None can teach you, none can make you spiritual. There is no other teacher but your own soul." This is one of the famous quote