
Showing posts from March, 2018

Rupture By Katherine Lightwood

Rupture By Katherine Lightwood The world is a castle of glass my friend. Here you can do whatever you want. But if you make mistakes you have to pay for it. Today, I will not pine over my problems to you or preach you my negativeness. I will rather speak about my mundane feelings to you in a poetic way. Yes!! it's weird, I know, no one does that in the 21st century. But, I do, that's why I am me. Where are you running, oh wanderer, getting out of breath? Wait for a while and try to think, are you saving yourself from a grim's wreath? Oh! I see you are a contestant too, in this meaningless rat race. Hiding will not end your fear, it's all the turmoil you need to face. But in this rush, do not forget to smell the flowers those will help you to live, Do not expect anything in return, living is all about the love and service that you could give. Living can be very tough and the world will mostly be unwelcome to you,  Unfortunately, you can

What To Do When Life Is Tough By Katherine Lightwood

What To Do When Life Is Tough By Katherine Lightwood As you know a few days ago, I and my colleague  Praveen sat with our teacher and he told us many important teachings of life. And in one of that, he said something about watching our life like a movie. When we told him that we get very anxious about everything, he just told us to watch our life as a movie played on screen but do not dare to stop it. Well, it's beyond our capability to stop it. Today, I took an 'off' from my institute as I was feeling very down mentally. And I remembered his only word 'do not dare to pause your life' , just go with the flow. This is a very simple fact 'right', go with the flow. But I wonder how many of us follow this thing. Maybe all of you, but it is insanely hard for me. All my life I've been holding o to things, that mattered to me, now it's very hard to go with the flow when life is so much fast. All the time I feel like I have to keep up, I ke

Hanging From A Thread By Katherine Lightwood

Hanging From A Thread By Katherine Lightwood I am hanging by a thread, as the world waits to tear me apart, Slipping from the grip every second, hope my soul could depart. Bleeding hands of mine were getting weak as I started to slip, But startled was I, as I saw the thread itself tied me in a grip. The little-torn thread that was, holding a mortified burden like me. Foolish was its intention that it just couldn't see. Little by little, the thread was breaking, as I loosened my hold, My heavyweight was tearing it to pieces as I've gone completely cold.  Threads don't hold a slipping hand, is that's what feels like being tested? It's a test, a grim test, which left me with nothing and got me devastated  What kind of test is this, when I don't deserve to win or lose the game, This world is just a mere illusion, to me, everything here feels like the same. What a tragedy is that, that we call life where I just can't

Quantum Computers Are Amazing By Katherine Lightwood

Quantum Computers Are Amazing By Katherine Lightwood  Two days ago my wonderful colleague Praveen shared an article with me about Quantum computer and it's recent development and it just amazed me. Today in the evening when everyone went out to a party thrown by my another colleague about her win in a competition, I sat down and started reading an article on the same topic. Although it was a bit old one but it was new for me. Now, let me make you understand what a quantum computer is in a layman's language. A classical computer performs operations using classical bits, which can either be zero or one. Now, in contrast, a quantum computer uses quantum bits or qubits. And they can be both zero and one at the same time. and this is this, that gives a quantum computer it's superior computing power. There are a number of physical objects that can be used as qubits.  A single photon , a nucleus or an electron . In this research paper where scientists were

Art is a form of Hidden Pain By Katherine Lightwood

Art is a form of Hidden Pain By Katherine Lightwood Plato once said that he found joy in such pain and to treat it as a gift. "Madness provided it comes as a gift of heaven, is the channel by which we receive the greatest blessing. Madness comes from god whereas sober sense is merely human." Why a person become an artist? Although I am not a right person to answer that question nor I am an artist but I think I have a rough idea who becomes one. I can be very wrong but I just want to share my perspective. A few years ago, I watched a movie about a famous artist Vincent Van Gogh played by famous actor Benedict Cumberbatch . The movie was very amazing but it impacted me in a very dark away. At first, I had no idea about art and why all artists are so strange in a certain way. But as I learned more about the art, it just broke my heart. What I learned that every art no matter what it is, arise from some kind of pain and confusion, just like a rose from a thorn t

It Hurts To Feel Left Out By Katherine Lightwood

It Hurts To Feel Left Out By Katherine Lightwood A few days ago some of my colleagues were laughing and goofing around with each other in our institute. And when I asked them what was that, they just gave me a cold shoulder saying these stuff is not for you, you are too 'geek' to handle all these. And that time I really felt left out. As if, I am not worthy enough to hear what others were laughing around. Although I have no interest in people's matter but sometimes I do crave for some interactions and thoughts of what people surrounding me are thinking about. 'Geek' is supposedly about trying to elevate those among us who are different from how we dress, what we wear, how we think, what we like. But being different the way I am and maybe the lot of you are can still be hard and can also be painful even if popular culture is telling us that is cool. Now, why is that? Well!! same reason I used to get emotional when I see  superhero movies . Because th

When Happiness Comes In Disguise Of Fear and Self Doubt By Katherine Lightwood

When Happiness Comes In Disguise Of Fear and Self Doubt By Katherine Lightwood Do you believe in energy flow? No, I am not talking about entropy and the first law of thermodynamics. I am talking about the flow of aura and emotions  that flow from one person to another. And today I felt that. Now, if you follow my blog you might know that a month ago a competition was held in the institute by Wacom and today the result came. Many of my colleagues were assuming that I will win, but I didn't. And I want to thank god for that so much. Well!! Now, you must be wondering if I got crazy. And no I am not. I hate competition and my definition of success is so different. But that's not the point. So, another colleague of mine won the competition and I was so so much happy that she did. For many days, she was facing some kind of problem with her life, not feeling worthy enough, her energy was getting really low. It was really heartbreaking to watch her like this. Although

How did the Early Universe Look Like? By Katherine Lightwood

How did the Early Universe Look Like? By Katherine Lightwood Today, I was doing something really crazy and you can say non-sensical. Now, let me tell you how. As you might know, I am studying graphic designing but today when everyone left the class, I started to doodle a few equations from Heisenberg's uncertainty principle article I read recently, out of blue. And you should know, I am a huge huge nerd about the whole quantum physics and astronomy. So, that's what was happening, I was nerding out when I should be busy focusing on making my designs and practicing.Now, that's a kind of procrastination and a really weird one. So, as I was doodling, I was thinking about what might have happened to the universe just after the big bang. And after a bit of research and insights, I found really amazing facts which I want to share with you all. This is the earliest photo of our universe. And it shows the whole universe as it is when it was just 380,000 years old.

Possibility By Katherine Lightwood

Possibility By Katherine Lightwood They say I am a crack in the perfect castle of glass, So, they break me and thought, I was just a lonely lass. Sticks and stones were not enough, and that's what they thought, They mock my soul, but it turned dark until the last I fought. Little did they knew, I would rise like a fire phoenix from the flame, Left me in the dark, thought my fallen fate would be their end game. But alas, what a shame was that of them, that I rise, Now, it's time for me to rise the mighty sword, to give them a surprise. Even though, I was shooting arrows in the darkness, I found a light somewhere, slow and mellow as it's fame that sparkles. That light was a possibility, a spark on a pitch coal night. I thought what if I could make a fire, out of its small shiny light. Sometimes, I wonder if it's as an expectation or a false hope, And it makes me think if, I am hanging at of the ridge from a thin rope.

My Everyday fight With Social Anxiety By Katherine Lightwood

My Everyday fight With Social Anxiety By Katherine Lightwood "I know you are little shy, but things will get worse if you keep acting that way."  Said a guy ( well I don't want to mention who, let's say just another anonymous). And this is just one guy. In my everyday life, I face so many people like this that I've lost count. People of the world, this is a glimpse of one moment in the life of a socially anxious person. Social anxiety , it is so much unnoticed and misunderstood in society, in the same way, it is also an enigma in clinical psychology. Have you ever find yourself in a social situation when and all of a sudden a strange chaos in your body starts to occur? Your heart starts to race a hundred miles an hour, your mind blanks out, a huge knot forms in your stomach or chest. And the problem is more you fight it, the worse it gets. So you might find yourself thinking yourself all the worst case scenario that might happen. This is somethin

Psychological Abuse Is Like Coal Fire By Katherine Lightwood

Psychological Abuse Is Like Coal Fire By Katherine Lightwood A kid with low self-esteem issues sitting at the back of the classroom, a kid who has severe trust issues that you sometimes gets annoyed with, kids who are overly cynical and a bully... Have you ever got a chance to face these kids or you are being one of them? We quickly get very annoyed when we see such kind of behavior in children or adults, but have you ever wondered what would be their backstory, what had made them this way. Well, there's a saying that only your 'loved ones' can break you. And that's so true my friends. Today, I am talking about a very serious topic which we rarely shed light on "Psychological Abuse" . The never-ending doubt in yourself, always thinking you are not good enough and "I am the problem" , all these emotional self-harm could be a sign of emotional abuse.  There are no laws against it, no billboards on the side of the highway. And its the mo

Live in the Present Before It's Too Late By Katherine Lightwood

Live in the Present Before It's Too Late By Katherine Lightwood Hello Friends...!! Although yesterday's post was a bit weird and grim, today I am here again to ask you another question. Once I saw a very weird dream and in that dream, an old man asked me something which I couldn't answer. And that question was, 'If you had a power to stop yourself a certain age forever, which age would you choose?'.  After I woke up from this weird dream I was sweaty and frustrated. I tried really hard to thought about a perfect answer. At first, I thought a toddler life will be nice because you can do whatever you want, you have no responsibilities or burden of life. People surrounding you will like you for being a drooling stupid person and where you can be as mentally retarded as you want and there is no one to judge you. But after a day of giving it a constant thought, I quickly changed my answer. For a while, I thought the old age of above 70 would be better,

Suffering is Salvation By Katherine Lightwood

Suffering is Salvation By Katherine Lightwood Today I have a question for you, a strange one as always and it is, "Why bad things, happen to good people?" And this is the question mankind has been asking since the beginning of the recorded history. And today, an insignificant little girl of a freakishly low IQ will try to make you understand that. And I am sorry it might hurt some of your feelings. So, I am going, to begin with, a story of a man called 'Anonymous' . Let's not give him any name because I will get into trouble. So, this man is a Jew living in Nazi Germany. And at some point in his life, the political climate of his country turned in such a way that he and many of the people like him were swept up out of there homes, removed from their family and were separated. And all that which they build up in their life including their material wealth were swept away, sold and burnt. They were forced to live among strangers in concentration cam

Dangers of Ambivalent People in your Life By Katherine Lightwood

Dangers of Ambivalent People in your Life By Katherine Lightwood You know, when you are in your early teenage years where everyone talks about bullying and kind of stuff, but as we grow up these sorts of issues stays the same and takes the next level in adult friendships. And the sad thing is we never talk about this. This adult friendship issue is the next frontier of talking about how do we court friends. How do we build a friendship which is not romantic? How do we break up with a friend when the relationship is getting toxic? And the biggest thing that happens with friends, especially in my case, is that they do go stale. And there are people I am sure you all can think of in your life, those who make you feel bad about yourself but somehow you have given them a license to criticize you. And that criticism comes in the disguise of 'constructive criticism' or 'I am your friend and I have right to pick up on your mistakes' kind of thing. And the thin

Our Inner Demon called 'Depression' By Katherine Lightwood

Our Inner Demon called 'Depression' By Katherine Lightwood We know depression through metaphors , from the paintings of Van Gogh and poems of Edger Allen Poe and Emily Dickenson . I have suffered from depression from a very early phase of life. The other day I was complaining about my health with my manager and he desperately asked me, "What is that you are so much depressed about? You have a good and comfortable life. Not much to worry about, then what is the point of getting depressed?" And that question made me feel so much guilty. Tongue tied and nervous I said something I read recently on a research paper on clinical psychology that depression can be caused without any reason or trauma in some rare cases.The day passed as usual and I kept thinking, am I drowning myself in the well of self-pity ? Am I seeking sympathy from others to pull myself up together, or is the severe pain I am feeling is legit? This is the question I always ask myself af

How Dangerous is the 'Space Debris' By Katherine Lightwood

How Dangerous is the 'Space Debris' By Katherine Lightwood   Today while surfing the internet when I found an amazing article on space junk and it just terrified me from the core. The possibility of getting hit by a destroyed spacecraft or satellite made me so anxious. A shiver ran down my spine as I thought of how a big catastrophe it could create if we don't consider to take some precautions over this celestial space junk. I remember a movie I saw a few years ago called 'Gravity' . And man, what a frustrating feeling that was, to see the struggle of that astronaut who got hit by those space debris. The movie was so realistic and Sandra Bullock's acting was just amazing.  On October 4th, 1957, the first satellite Sputnik was launched into space. Although it got burned in the atmosphere 3 month later, many satellites launched since then have not, leaving us with the virtual junkyard orbiting the earth. Now, this debris represents a real threat to

How Hawking Inspired Me By Katherine Lightwood

How Hawking Inspired Me By Katherine Lightwood As everyone surrounding me in enjoying the delight of their daily work, my heart mourns in the loss of a famous physicist Stephen Hawking who just passed away. Although, I am not very shocked as I am well aware of the deteriorating health of this famous professor but my heart still aches for the loss of this great mind. But the day will pass like always, the sun will set and the moon will rise, but somehow in the whole universe will lament as it had lost a gem who had the capability to solve at least some of its mysteries. Ok, now might be I am thinking too much about his demise, but today I want to share some of my thoughts about him. What was his impact on my life? A life of an insignificant little girl, who is bewitched by the beauties of the universe and its complexities. I came to know about this great mind at a pretty young age. I used to go to long night walks with my dad when I was about five years old. Under the sta

Advancement of Technology: Where is it Taking Us. By Katherine Lightwood

Advancement of Technology: Where is it Taking Us. By Katherine Lightwood Today I was speaking with one of my colleagues Praveen . And that conversation literally cheered me up from the core of the heart. Even though, I was feeling quite unwell since morning but that was something which made my day and wreaked me at the same time. Now you must be wondering what exactly we spoke about. So, ladies and gentlemen , our topic was about increasing advancement of science and technology. Now, of course, you might be wondering what's got in their mind that in their leisure time they are speaking about something which is not fun at all. And that's where my friends you all may get wrong. At first, our discussion was about how clueless we are with our career and how we lack inspiration on everything. But slowly, our discussion drifted into something we couldn't even keep counting on. From Elon Musk to Stephen Hawking , Larry Page to Mark Zuckerberg . The world is advancin

World of Words By Katherine Lightwood

World of Words By Katherine Lightwood A few days ago, our teacher showed us a TED talk of famous lyricist Javed Akhtar , where he was speaking about the importance of words and how it impacts people. The talk was amazing and inspirational at the same time. As I am struggling very hard to be a blogger myself, I found his advice quite useful. Words, it may seem very small and insignificant when we generally speak about it, but these words are something which gives meaning to our existence. I've always been fascinated by words and the beauty of it, but words have always been so tough for me. I find it very hard to wrap up words into my thoughts and I am struggling to learn that skill. Now, about words, even though I don't remember what was the first book that I fell in love with, but my favorite fantasy novel that of all times was The Alchemist: The Secrets Of The Immortal Nicolas Flamel by Micheal Scott . This was a book which literally took me to another realm o