
Showing posts from August, 2018

How music influenced my Life By Katherine Lightwood

How music influenced my Life By Katherine Lightwood Music has always been one of my best friends in life. Although it was a healer, it was sometimes a torturer too. Music started influencing my life when I was a little kid of almost 5 years. I didn't know much about music or to be precise didn't care much. But the real story started after almost six years. I was in five or sixth grade when there we some new students came to my class. And oh boy where should I start from, they were just gifted. The literally had voice of a nightingale. Most often our teachers used to made them sing in front of the whole class and it felt like I was listening to some professional singers. I was so flabbergasted. At that time we didn't have any music system in our home nor my father allowed me to see any music channels on TV. So, those students were the inspiration for my taste in music.   It was from them when I heard about musicians like Celine Dion, Shakira, Backstreet Boys

I am not an Artist... By Katherine Lightwood

I am not an Artist... By Katherine Lightwood Today I felt like my soul was forged into hell. Well!! nothing bad happened... just usual introvert stuff. But it felt like I was again tongue-tied. I was again caged behind the bars of agonizing questions and even though I know their answers but I was still gawking like a lunatic. Why this, why that and what is the reason that you became YOU...? Ok!! Where do I even start from? There are millions of reason that I am me. My thoughts, my fragments of past, my reminiscent of forgotten pain, my invalid emotions, my frozen and callous fears. In this world of twisted and hypocritic logic, how can I explain that why I am this way....? They say LOVE YOURSELF...They say nothing is good and nothing is bad, they say to stay happy...And in the other side when I want to be me, passionately, with all my heart, then why they break me and tell me to walk on my predestined line that they drew before I was born. Art...Artist... Why I HATE this ta

Sweet Poison By Katherine Lightwood

Sweet Poison By Katherine Lightwood A wish I could wish... But my mind is on a leash. That's invisible and out of sight, Because of that I always fight. But alas, my thoughts are voiceless, It seemed I am just worthless. My world seems to break down, As I shiver and act like a clown, Blissful was my world once, But it seems like I've got another chance. Like always I repeat the same mistake, Don't know but it seems like it's for my sake. Countless threads I have broken down, But now I can think of nothing and frown. I know weird it sounds, but that's what I can count, Now demons inside my mind are barking like a hellhound. So, shall I let lose those demons from my mind's prison, Or I wait for my demise with the memory of sweet poison. So, that was my thought of the day. To see more posts like this make sure to visit our  main page . And Do not forget to visit our  institute's page   to know more about graphic design, 3D, animatio

Beautiful Paradise By Katherine Lightwood

Beautiful Paradise By Katherine Lightwood Freeing myself from that sight, I ran away from the atrocities and that fight. But I was not cowered as the world claimed, Was not guilty of that crime, but I was blamed.  So, I ran away far from the chaos and that anarchy, To save me and my soul from that devious monarchy. There I came to an unknown land, far from the sea, There I first glanced the sun to rise & that simply bewitching me. I pretended not to see and got back into my old ways, But fate was uncertain as I thought it was just a phase.  I waited and waited so that the storm to pass, But sitting in the rain, I felt again like a lonely Lass. What a surprise, the morning light thrived my soul, One at a time, but a handful of happiness in a bowl. Seemed like my broken wing got a new light, Even though I can't fly, but I will still fight. Now, I don't worry much about my demise, As my mind is stuck in a beautiful paradise. So, that was my thought

Organs you don't need By Katherine Lightwood

Organs you don't need By Katherine Lightwood The human boy is an incredibly complex machine made up of systems of organs all working together to keep things humming along smoothly. So, you would think that talking anything out would make the whole thing break down. But of course, lots of people live without some of their organs. Like you're better off without an appendix if it's giving you a problem, for example. And you can afford to lose all kinds of more important organs like a giant chunk of your liver or an entire lung. Because your body is a finely tuned machine. If you don't mind me saying so. But it also had a bunch of redundancies that allow it to adapt to some pretty extreme changes. So, here are some few bits that you can live without. And guess what... My number one in this checklist is 'the brain'. Of all the organs in the human body to lose, even partially, you would probably think that the brain is a total deal breaker. I mean it cont

Lament for My Soul By Katherine Lightwood

Lament for My Soul By Katherine Lightwood I again came there, in the middle of nowhere, The forgotten path I've left is near and everywhere. But hopelessly I gaze into the forgotten road, My body is aching as I was carrying some forgotten load. Standing beside the rusty pathway, my soul is getting tired. The spark was dimming that I once hired. Now, I am standing in the junction of melancholy, Watching the empty road, once that was jolly. How can I decide which way to ride? As my soul lay dead and I am standing beside. Once thought I could be a glory for the morning light, Now hopeless I am, struggling to survive. These mazes and tornados have driven me into the dark, My curses started to work upon me just like Cain's mark. Now, I senselessly wait for my demise to bestow upon me, Lord, I am not merciful and that's all I can see. This darkness I see seems to swallow me whole, I am penning down my grief, it's a lament for my soul. So, that was

Why do we laugh...? By Katherine Lightwood

Why do we laugh...? By Katherine Lightwood Have you ever wondered what is 'Humour ' and if something is funny, why do we laugh...? What is the real purpose of laughing and why do we laugh when we are tickled...?? Well, people study this ...Weird it may sound and they are called 'GELOTOLOGISTS' ... Yeah, that's true and trust me I am not making that up. You can literally search this on the internet. And we don't have the answers yet but we do know that we are 30 times more likely to laugh if there are other people around. And there are also studies that babies laugh before they learn any language. And babies that are born blind and deaf will laugh. There are thousands of languages, many dialects, but yet we all laugh in much the same way. Our brains are constantly looking for a laugh in much the same way. Our brains are constantly looking for patterns, ways of understanding the world and predicting what's next and it's because of our evolut

The Speed of light messes with my head By Katherine Lightwood

The Speed of light messes with my head By Katherine Lightwood Have you ever thought what would it look like to ride alongside the beam of light...? This is a question Einstein asked over hundreds of years ago. Now, the trouble was he couldn't do this experiment so he had to use his imagination (A thought experiment) to figure out what a reasonable outcome would be. Well!! Einstein's intuition told him that the world would feel the same in all the frame of references moving with constant velocity. These are called 'inertial frame of reference'. So, it doesn't matter if you are on a train, a plane or a car or in feet. As long as you are moving at a constant velocity the laws of physics should apply exactly in the same way. And this is what called the principle of 'Relativity'. Now, let's imagine a situation, let's say a thought experiment...Imagine you are traveling in a train or a metro (Subway) and that train is traveling at the speed o

Understanding the Meaning of Grief By Katherine Lightwood

Understanding the Meaning of Grief By Katherine Lightwood  A constant gnawing that feels like that you have rocks churning in the pit of your stomach. Absolute exhaustion after sleepless nights. Unpredictable and sometimes uncontrolled crying or being completely emotionless. Feeling so bad that you question whether you will ever feel better.  If you ever feel this way then you are not alone. It doesn't matter where you live, work, how much money you have or how you vote. Man or women, adult or child when you lose someone important, you grieve. Although we all grieve at one time or another, our individual grief experiences often differ. For one thing, there are many kinds of losses and the feeling each evokes are very different. Not only is someone's reaction to loss is very unique, their individual experiences matter too, how they manage grief. There's no magic wand to wave to make the pain go away. But we can gather knowledge to help understand how grief affect

Cancer Immunotherapy: Will it be a cure...? By Katherine Lightwood

Cancer Immunotherapy: Will it be a cure...? By Katherine Lightwood Cancer: It is very likely that you know somebody that has been diagnosed with cancer or even that you've lost somebody your loved one or your relatives to this terrible disease. As a former biochemistry student, I've always wanted to do something on this field, some initiative to find any sort of cure for such a deadly disease. After I've lost my grandma because of this disease's ugly fate I lost all hope. So, far in the field of cancer treatment, there were only three options: Surgery Radiotherapy  Chemotherapy And of course, they are of great value. In some cases, they can effectively remove cancer cells and sometimes even cure cancer patients. But they have one major disadvantage in common and that is they can not discriminate between cancer cells and healthy cells. and as a consequence, healthy cells are damaged and somehow removed during the treatment. To avoid too much damage to the

Flaws of Relativity and Schrodinger's Equation By Katherine Lightwood

Flaws of Relativity and Schrodinger's Equation By Katherine Lightwood  In 1928, over 25 years the greatest geniuses of the modern era discovered the two keys that are basically the fundamental nature of reality, Einstein's theory of special and general relativity. It completely changed the way we think about motion space and time. And the emerging field of quantum mechanics had radically altered our understanding of the fundamental building blocks of the universe. 1928 was the year when we got to know more about the existence of ANTIMATTER. By that time, Einstein and Max Plack already showed that light is a particle as well as a wave. And De Broglie has shown that all the matter has this dual wave-particle nature. Bohr, Heisenberg, Born, Pauli, and others placed together a mathematical description for the weird nature of subatomic particles. In that time Erwin Schrodinger wrote down his famous equation, the Schrodinger's Equation which breathed life into this em

Have you ever seen a mountain to complain? By Katherine Lightwood

Have you ever seen a mountain to complain? By Katherine Lightwood I feel pretty stupid when I stand beside the mountains, Mightily it stands through all those strong fountains. Far from the earthling's chaos, far from the endless hustle, Far from the deafening chimneys, far from the golden castle. Stranded alone defying all the obstacles from its way, Saving us from the cold winds, it has nothing to say. Even after thriving in the warmth of the glorious sunshine, We complain like a lunatic, nothing seems to stop the whine. But the mountain watches over us like just like a skilled spartan, Making sure we are safe from the dark winds and bloom like a garden. It smiles through the pain whiles its cries are unheard, It cries in the dark and melancholy without letting out a word. But it always smiles when the morning sun strikes its first light, Shuns all the darkness away without any hustle or any fight. From ages, it is guiding us like an old

My fascination for Quasars( Quasi- Steller Radio Source) By Katherine Lightwood

My fascination for Quasars( Quasi- Steller Radio Source ) By Katherine Lightwood   One of the enigmatic of all astrophysical phenomenon is the mighty Quasars...This topic is quite close to my heart because when I was about five years old my father told me the stories of these astronomical giants called QUASARS when we were walking under the moonlit sky at a late summer evening. Space stuff is awesome. Take stars- 100 billion megatons per second thermonuclear explosions that just don't stop exploding. Like this quasars have everything. They are like fire-breathing bat-winged vampire rainbow unicorns of astrophysical phenomenon. They don't just have black holes. They have a supermassive black hole. Millions to billions of times the mass of the sun which is surrounded by solar system sized whirlpool of superheated plasma that shines brighter than an entire galaxy. Sometimes they even have jets of near light speed particles filling the surrounding universe with giant rad

My Dreamland By Katherine Lightwood

My Dreamland By Katherine Lightwood There's a land beyond the bright orchards and trees, Away from the silver heaven away from the abyss. Where the day starts with the golden rays of morning sun, And through the meadows, the moonlight often run. Where the night twinkles with those fancy starlight, Where fireflies will hug you even in these dark sleepless nights. There are rainbows at night that will color your soul, Faires will sing to you even in the night that is dark as coal. When the world is still burning in the fumes of anarchy, Well!! That world is my happy place and I have its key. It's hidden away far from the bedlam and chaos, Where no one is the conquer and no one is the boss. It's my world and it's my paradise, it's the world I want, My lord just listen to my wish, if only this chance you could grant. No matter even if I walk alone in the timeless plot of tragedy, This land and its memory could only be my perfect melody. So, I

How I got into art By Katherine Lightwood

How I got into Art By Katherine Lightwood Art...A quite fancy name for people like me. If things were 'right' I would have never chosen this thing to be my profession. But alas, life teaches us lessons in ways you'll never expect. So, yeah you can say I am something close to an artist (but not) the real one. By profession, I am a "Graphic Designer". Born in a middle-class family to parents with the middle-class mentality I was always encouraged to get very very high grades and chose between the only two professions..." A Doctor or An Engineer ". My parents were smart, they didn't ever say them out loud but their thoughts used to project in their every action. Well, that's not their fault, but it was a tough challenge to take for someone like me. Since childhood, I was a loner. My best friends were not people of the real world but rather fantasy animals and storybook characters. Everyone thought I am weird but unfortunately I couldn

For the Mighty Soldiers of Siachen By Katherine Lightwood

For the Mighty Soldiers of Siachen By Katherine Lightwood  They fought like a warrior, they fought like a beast, countless names were forgotten, there was no any list. They fought in the plains, they fought in the water, They fought in the silence even when the war cries were louder, They fought like a shield on the countless empty field, Blood stains were still red on the monuments that they build. But unheard were their dreams and forlorn were their wishes, They walked alone ignoring the pain on those cold icy bridges. Their love was simply pious that was saving the motherland, No one saw their plight when they fought in the dark or on the burning sand. But without a sigh, they fought countless battles and fights, Wonder why they are in the dark, no one ever dared to shed any lights. So, I bow my head in gratitude and in the honor of this sacrifice, No one could ever pay their due, no one could ever pay their prize. Just like their forlorn battles they also ge

Uncertain Strings By Katherine Lightwood

Uncertain Strings By Katherine Lightwood The strings that I've attached to this world is uncertain, So, I hid it in the dark so that my mind doesn't entertain. Away from the sunshine away from this world that is unkind, I save myself from this chaotic world so that I don't unwind. While they talk about my uncanny deeds and tries to break me, These strings give me life, that I once couldn't see, I fight with the world and mourn when I see my own wishes die, But these strings bring me a bowl of hope everytime I painfully sigh. So, I still try to live by weaving a blanket with those uncertain ropes, What a beautiful tragedy, it is building my countless hopes, Soft and mellow I pick my uncertain strings as the world screams my name, I soul has turned into a fighter now, I can't ever be the same. As I lay beside my broken dreams waiting for my demise, Slowly and melancholy it mends my soul and makes me want to rise. Those strings are attached righ

Cool Stuff inside Large Hadron Collider By Katherine Lightwood

Cool Stuff inside Large Hadron Collider By Katherine Lightwood  Today I was very very angry with myself, for many reasons and silly reasons. Not here to complain but a funny thing happened. As I was in the climax of my anger I imagined a situation. What if I lock everyone inside the large hadron collider and switch on the machine. What will happen then? Well!! the answer might be very straightforward that they will die. But how exactly? Will they vaporize or a bit more fun thing, will they turn into someone from DC Characters like Flash or Firestorm ... Well!! that would be super cool ...But that's not the reality. So, Large Hadron Collider...quite fancy thing it is...!! Approximately eight years ago scientists used the most complicated machines ever to solve one of the greatest puzzles to vex the human race. And then they went "What if we kicked it up a notch...?"  The large hadron collider smashed the headlines when it confirmed the existence of Higgs Boso

Untitled Grief Part-15 Katherine Lightwood

Untitled Grief Part-15 Katherine Lightwood Is there a world far from this tragedy, Where there is no war, only love, and melody. Where there is no transgression or no devious damnation, Where there is a value of souls and potions to cure agitation. Where there be civility and trust  in the name of love, Where sky will rain down joy from high up above. But that's a wishful thinking, and that's in my mind, Just want to escape from this world, it's not very kind. But alas, I fall again into the pitfall whenever I have that thought, It's the only thing I want to resolve, that's why my mind and I usually fought. I am waiting to see that horizon which doesn't even exist, Hoping to touch that broken sky, don't know what I have to resist. So my mind has run away from me leaving my heart behind, I have no clue now where will I search, my mind is nowhere to find, With the pieces of my broken heart, I am sitting still and motionless, In between

String Theory and my Imaginations By Katherine Lightwood

String Theory and my Imaginations By Katherine Lightwood The two most interesting places on our universe are beyond our reach. We need a much higher theory and when I say that I mean much much higher than Einstein's relativistic equation . And that's where string theory comes in. The string theory takes you before the big bang and what exactly does it say? That there is a multiverse of universes and that's where the big bang come from. Well, Einstein's equations give us a compelling picture that we are like insects on a soap bubble. A gigantic soap bubble which is expanding and we are trapped like flies on a flypaper. And that is my friends!! is the big bang theory.  But the string theory says that there should be other bubbles out there. In a multiverse of bubbles, when two universes collide then it has a possibility to form another universe. And then when a universe is split into halves it can create two universes and that's what we think is the bi

Seeker of the Morning Light By Katherine Lightwood

Seeker of the Morning Light By Katherine Lightwood I am surprised about the bliss that has been bestowed upon my mind, Is this some priceless present, I wonder why my Lord is so kind? In between the turmoil and anarchy, it is a nectar for my soul, Some thoughts I once had wondered in my dreams is now into my bowl. Or is it just a glimpse of a prize for me being bent, burnt and broken, Because it might be the very first time my soul has ever spoken. In this world of glass, I had always been a nasty crack and remained forlorn, My flaws have turned into my victory now, I have no shame that I am torn, So, with this countless threads, I am weaving a blanket of sweet memory, Which will become the warmth of my soul and be my perfect melody. I will thrive and sing the lonesome song when I will be in melancholy, I will laugh and weep in joy and will again learn to be a jolly. So, I am living and breathing and saving the life for the future to come, Don't wonder anymor

Everything Changes By Katherine Lightwood

Everything Changes By Katherine Lightwood Lately, I am having lots of thoughts about 'changes' , in general. How everything changes, How I've changed, how the world has changed, and the possibilities of other changes that might happen in the future. Everything changes, roads can become highways, oceans can become deserts and cities can become memories. And I've always been very afraid of 'change' . But I realize, now,  that change is just a part of life. Because of my extreme fear of change, I made many false strategies that I couldn't follow, made many relations with people I didn't like and did much worse things that I've hated, only because I was scared that it will change me, distort me just like I've dreamt in my worst nightmares. But the things that were destined will happen no matter what you do. And I've learned it in a very very hard way. Raised by very strict parents with very strict rules and morals, I had a very strong d

A Date with Grim Reaper By Katherine Lightwood

A Date with Grim Reaper By Katherine Lightwood Photo Credit: FreePik The day was bright, I was sitting hoping to get some light, But the gloom surrounded all over me, covering my weary sight. I was frighted as the shadow came near and hovered over me, Shivered in fear, thought that some kind of tyranny I could see. My eyes gazed low and my trembling arms held my feeble body. Didn't want to turn around, didn't want to see if there's somebody. But then I hear the cold low moan, which seemed usual but was still unusual, That voice was calm but cold as the ice but didn't seem so cruel. So, agreed to make peace with my own self, and turned over to see the gloomy sight, But my senses were so calm and so in peace, though if I am in the city of light. A ghostly figure in the hood with a synth was standing by my side, I felt so safe and so calm, I had no fear and I had nothing to hide. So, I sat beside the stone tomb while clenching his gloomy cloak, T

Untitled Grief Part-14 By Katherine Lightwood

Untitled Grief Part-14 By Katherine Lightwood Was walking along the shore of the sea, remembering my sun, The day was dark, gloomy and dull, I had nowhere to run. My feet were drenched deep inside the muddy sand, I was terrified of the thought of going to that strange land. I walked and walked as the time passed by without looking back, Was cutting all the threads and ties, they say empathy is something I lack, I can't lie, I can't speak the truth, for today or for tomorrow, I am wide awake and alone while my heart is drenched in sorrow. I am cutting those ties as my world was shouting at my abomination, But, deep where the reason lies, and it's far from transgression. My outraged demeanor is all they see and all they hear, Only because my vulnerabilities are put in shame, and that is my fear. The lies I tell and the rage I show is only for a diversion, Can I show a hint of my heart only through a melancholy conversation? But alas, that's again a