
Showing posts from December, 2017

The Faith Of 365 Days By Harshita Pandey

The Faith Of 365 Days  By  Harshita Pandey Hello!! guys, I am  Harshita Pandey   and back again with my new blog post. How you guys are doing? Hope you all are good!! By the way, I am doing great and recently I just crossed my 22nd year and now am 23 years old. So, as I said will be back with my new post and its last week of the month. Last week of 2017, oh boy!! Sounds like its time for having some party, doubling the entertainment, twice the drinks. The year passed in the blink of an eye as if time has wings and it just doesn't stop. Winter has a lot to say about this excitement that New Year has come, with lots of new hope and happiness. The first joy of Christmas came through, then my Birthday and now its New year (the celebration for the new start). People all around the globe think of making some changes in their life like stop being lazy and will wake up early morning and be healthy or in other words a new years resolution. A fresh start, a new chapter in

A New Start For The New Year By Nikhil Medar

A New Start For The New Year By Nikhil Medar Hello viewers!! How are you doing? Well am fine and yeah its a bite freezing over here in Delhi 14 degrees Celsius to Fahrenheit from the 25th of December the people have been preparing for that one day its New Year. So as I said am here back with my next post and yeah its a last weekend of this year and the beginning of the next year, people throughout the globe celebrate this festive occasion with their loved once like families and friends with a large gathering in a one place and attract other people and join them together, houses are been decorated colorfully filled with fun-loving activities such as singing songs in couples or playing it a solo, to make the day more memorable and fun so play some games, dancing in the spirit of love and happiness, attending parties at their friends place, going clubbing, giving a movie treat, having a lots of alcohol, smokes, and food. People wish each other Happy New Year and prese

My Indie New Year Animation & the Background story By Surbhi Mittal

My Indie New Year Animation & the Background story By Surbhi Mittal Since, the arrival of  New Year, we all get excited. We all usually start to make plans for the upcoming  new year. We like to celebrate this beginning of the year with our friends, family, and relatives. We want to dedicate this first day of the year with that person who is very close to our heart. We hope this the new year may bring a lot of happiness, enthusiasm, and success in our life.  Hope we could drive the darkness of our life, and all the chads, regret, failure and hate. Let's take a pledge to start the 1st day of the year with full of joy and forget all your past mistakes, failure and start a new journey of life. We should think about our future too because our past can't be changed but for making our future bright we need to keep that in our mind and act according to it. As we know that, most people say " future is uncertain " it's true, but to light up the future,

Eighteen hits the year 2018 By Rahul Kumar

Eighteen hits the year 2018 By Rahul Kumar Hello, guys!! This is Rahul Kumar and as I said will be back with my next post so here I am as promised. How are you all are doing? Looks like everyone is quite exercised this week and yeah it is kind of last week of this year 2017. So, I am really excited for 2018 and another thing is yesterday was my Birthday and am 18 years old now and in Two days its gonna be 2018 what a coincident, 18 hits for the new year of 2018. Two days back we had a guest in our house they got me one of my favorite sweets called  Ras malai. It was one of my loveliest birthday celebrations ever. I was really happy spending a day with my family and took a break from all my works for a day. But the day before my birthday was the worst thing happened. And the reason was, me and my friend Nikhil Medar we were totally consumed in one of the works given by our teacher. We were running out of deadline and another thing was that it was one of my friend Harshi

My Cosmic New Year By Rishab Verma

My Cosmic New Year By Rishab Verma Hey Viewers, Hope you all are good. Well, I am fantastic . Sketching day and night , creating stuff , brainstorming ideas for my next project.  My brain is overfilled with ideas just searching a chance to let it out. "Artist's life" life is quite complicated. It isn't very serene as it looks. It's tough , it's frustrating and sometimes it gets really annoying especially when people don't get my ideas. There are two days left for this year to end and I am really glad about that. This year has been quite rough for me or let's be precise was quite tiring. I got many projects which I had to work on, acted on a short film ( you guys will see soon what I was talking about )and lots of other things. So, my life is getting busier and busier day by day. I couldn't get much time to hang out with my friends. So, this new year I am planning to have a proper wild party with friends. And when I say wild par

I reviewed my life at the end of the Year By Nandan Negi

I reviewed my life at the end of the Year By Nandan Negi Hello, my beautiful friends in the world!  What's up with you all !! How 's your life going?? Am I annoying you by asking so many questions in one go? Well sorry if I am doing that? This year passed at the speed of light ( well!! seems like that, don't take it literally because it's impossible ). Only two days to go and the year is gone, stuck in the past. We all will enter the new realm of the future, a new year. Usually, this new year comes with lots of new hopes and new aspirations and the most trending topic whenever the year start is New Year's resolution . These days everyone has so hyped about this quite a modern trend. And all my friends are forcing me to make one especially  Praveen Pal . And if you are familiar with his blog post then you might know that he is planning to go full Vegan. It would be so difficult to have lunch with him now. But who can change him, if he has decided to

My Pre Planned New Year Celebrations By Ritu Sharma

My Pre Planned New Year Celebrations By Ritu Sharma How are you all doing! Hope you are having some fun!! Well !! I am having quite fun these days. A few days ago our teachers throw a really big party for us on the occasion of Christmas Day . And it was so much fun. We ate pizzas, burger and lots of coke. We danced to some of my favorite dance numbers. It was a really memorable day for me. And I will cherish this memory throughout my whole life. I was really in deep gratitude as our teachers did so much for us and in return, we couldn't do much. Wish I can show my thankfulness by working hard and study well so that they could understand how amazing they are. Yeah, So I am trying to do that. Now, apart from that, not much is up with my life. Recently my cousin got married and we visited our hometown. I had loads of fun there. I got to meet my cousins, uncles, and aunts whom I couldn't meet often. I got some presents, which added extra bling to the fun. So, last ye

My Doctor Who Inspired New Year By Manoj Thapa

My 'Doctor Who' Inspired New Year By Manoj Thapa What 's up, guys!!  How are you? This is a cold chilly morning and I am writing this while sipping my morning tea. Even though it's excruciatingly painful to wake up in these winter mornings, but it feels really amazing to wake up and see the alluring sunrise. Morning is my favorite part of the day. It gives me new energy. A new zeal to start my life from a different perspective. Well, my days are mostly planned now, but there are definitely some surprises and unexpected moments. And that's what makes life more exciting. Two days to go and it's the end of the year. The past year seems to pass quite fast. Seems like time pass quite fast these days or maybe I am getting busier. Hard to decide which one is true. Now I can get an answer to this question only if I ask it to someone else. Maybe I get a fresh perspective. So after going to my institute , I will ask this question to the first person I meet,

My Busy New Year By Ganesh Yadav

My Busy New Year   By Ganesh Yadav Hello Hello!! My friends!! How are you? might be good!! Everyone is so hyped about this new year especially our contributors.  In any festive season, every contributor of this blog literally freaks out because of the insane deadline and heavy workload especially  Katherine Lightwood . Oh my god, she just pines over every smallest possible thing. But I will say all of them are trying hard to adjust and manage the time to properly. So yeah as a manager I am quite proud of that. So, what's up with you? Got any plans for Year?  Yes!! No!! Let me know. Few days to go and it's 2018 . Man life is so fast. Sometimes when you are busy life passes so fast that you could barely count on things. But, sometimes a second seems like days and months. Time is relative and so is our life, happiness, and despair. Now, no one can change that. So, this time or teacher has given us the task of creating a GIF animation for this New Year's post

My Midlife crisis and Firework Digital Painting By Katherine Lightwood

My Midlife crisis and Firework Digital Painting By Katherine Lightwood How are you, fellas!! This year seems to pass away in the blink of an eye. Sometimes time seems to pass so fast that we could barely notice. Seasons pass like days, and when it  Christmas , BAM!!! it hits like a wrecking ball . It's two days to go and the year ends. I have a weird habit of making a life review at the end of the year. What did I do what have I learn? Have I done anything productive this year which have the potential to create a change? And like every time I am doing this again. Well! My answer to the first question is like always ' tried to be productive '. Now, I have succeeded or not I have no idea. but I tried. The answer to my second question is that I have learned something ( a lot like seriously a lot, especially at the end of the few months ), about me and a lot about life in general. Now, you might be wondering " Hey do you have a glitch in your mind, what t

My Low key New Year's Party By Roshni Rao

My Low key New Year's Party By Roshni Rao Good Morning World!! How are you people doing today!!  Hope you all are good. Well!! I am extra fine. Ask me why!! Yesterday was my buddy Harshita's birthday, and we all had so much fun. We surprised her in the morning. And then we all head out for the the party we planned. We didn't spend that much time together as we should because I had so much pending work to do, and assignments to finish. So, we planned a little get together and she cut her birthday cake and we ate a little bit. After that I came back to my institute to complete my work. Two days, to go and it's end of the year 2017 . Well many things happened in this passing year, somethings I remember and somethings I don't. Created some sweet memories that I would love to cherish and some incidents that I would never look back to. Learned a few and accomplished a lot. This year had a bitter sweet memories attached to it. Well! that's how life

Happy New Year With New Hopes by Praveen Pal

 Happy New Year With New Hopes  By Praveen Pal Hello, my friends!! Hope you all are good!! With the beginning of the new year, there comes new energy, a new vibe of happiness.  Can you all feel it? Maybe or maybe not!   But, I can feel it right through my heart. The new day, a new year with new plans and aspirations. What are your plans for the year let me know? And allow me to explain my thought for this year.  This year I am planning to go full vegan. Although, I am practicing a purely vegetarian diet for years, after researching more about this vegan lifestyle I seemed to fell in love with this more and more. It is comparatively more healthy and easy diet plan. So yeah! I am planning on that.  Another thing that I am planning to do is, I am saving some money and some of my clothes and stuff and donating it to the nearby charity. Now, if you have read my previous blog by any chance then you might be familiar that how I met a little girl in the pavem

My Burton Styled Christmas Photo Manipulation By Shubho Halder

My Burton Styled Christmas Photo Manipulation By Shubho Halder Hello!! Beautiful people of the world!! How are you doing today? Might be parting , or sitting around campfires listening to some old tales that your grandparents might be telling you or getting bored like me or maybe doing something fun or completely irrelevant kinds of stuff that doesn't interest anyone. Well!! Keep doing whatever you wanna do because it's Christmas baby!!  And everything that Christmas brings is fun even if it's just gulping hot fudge and staring at the fireplace. So what's up with Christmas? Got any plans. Well!! I have planned a lot for tomorrow, that's why I am finishing my assignment that our teacher has given us so that I don't have to worry about anything later. Allow me to tell you a bit about my ' busy schedule' for tomorrow. First things first I will be going to Church with a bunch of my friends and after that, it's going to be a party al

That's how I got into my Christmas Vibe By Nandan Negi

That's how I got into my Christmas Vibe By Nandan Negi  It's one day to go and It's Christmas !! The festival of love, joy, happiness,  and prosperity . This time of the year always makes me so happy because it's winter and a month of festivity and fun . It's quite an exciting time for kids as well. 25th December is believed to be the birthday of Jesus Christ ,  the Savior,  and a Messiah. And the whole world celebrates this day to pay homage to his auspicious birth . Lord Jesus was born to mother Mary,   as it was a divine prophecy by archangel Gabriel. After he was born he did lots of miracles due to which people around him believed that he had something special as normal humans couldn't do that. He has powers like healing people  or producing food out of nothing . It is believed that once he fed his hungry disciples when they had nothing to eat. He just prayed and all the empty baskets were filled with lots of fresh fish, bread and wine.

My Nostalgic Memories of Christmas By Manoj Thapa

My Nostalgic Memories of Christmas By Manoj Thapa So, this is are some of the tales or my ' Childhood memories'  that I would like to share with you all. I can still remember when I was a kid, I used to watch  Animated movies . But my favorite ones are the one which was broadcast ed during Winters  when the festival season is on the way. Christmas cartoons and movies can still make me so nostalgic that it seems like I traveled back in time into my childhood and reliving it again. Movies like Home Alone and classic Christmas cartoons like Santa's Surprise and Chip and Dale (Christmas Edition) seems to add more twists to this festival vibe. Church bells, singing carols and chilling snow is my favorite things about this festival. Even though it didn't snow where I live but it gets really cold. In those TV shows, the best part was when Christmas arrives and everyone celebrates it happily and while enjoying the moment. And at the middle of the night when

My Magical Fireplace By Ganesh Yadav

My Magical Fireplace By Ganesh Yadav Well!! Hello there. How are you all doing! Chilly winter morning but it's Christmas Eve!!!  Today it feels like I am becoming Ebenezer Scrooge from ' Christmas Carols' By Charles Dickens . Not willing to get up or celebrate anything, just wish to curl up inside my quilt. Man, it's so cold out there. But, the real charm of Christmas is Winter and no one can ignore that. So, I had to get up, make myself a cup of coffee and start writing for the blog. My work is pending and I am lagging behind.  A few days ago I was really sick, that's why all my work got bundled up and I have to work on holidays. So back to the business. If you ask what Christmas meant to me, I can't answer that much flawlessly but this festival is really close to my heart. I have lots of loving memories attached to it. Have you ever felt heavenly after waking up in the morning? Well, that's exactly what I am feeling right now (not