
Showing posts from April, 2018

Is Happiness Infectious Or it's Just a Myth? By Katherine Lightwood

Is Happiness Infectious Or it's Just a Myth? By Katherine Lightwood Have you ever meet someone so happy that you figure out that they must be hiding some terrifying secrets? A few years back headlines were running with the assertion that happiness may be contagious like a bizarre awesome version of flu.So, can the happiness of others actually make you happy? Is our best hope for happiness to hang out with happy guys who refuse to share everyone's GLOOM and that it's only Monday and the work week is lasting forever. The idea that happiness is contagious comes from a study that followed more than 4,700 people for 20 years and asked them to periodically fill the questionnaires about their well being. After creating an emotional baseline the researchers found that the emotions fluctuated based on the participant's social network. And no, I am not talking about their Facebook and social media followers. For example, the study found that a good friend who lives

The symbolism of My Mind By Katherine Lightwood

The symbolism of My Mind By Katherine Lightwood  It seems like I have been running from the unseen monsters that are following me since I was a little girl. They keep lurking me from the shadows when I talk to someone or do something really important. They whisper in my ears and torture me slowly when no one is watching. These invisible monsters bring me down and make me angry without any reason so that I can go to the bottomless hell with them. Funny thing is that I am so used to this torture and suffering that if sometimes I am left undisturbed I feel empty and naked. I feel alone as if nothing is holding me back. It feels like I will be blown away by the speeding world if I don't hold on to something. Blown in the absolute void. I am scared. I am stuck between the possibilities of  'yes' and 'no' where 'yes' feels like a burning fire and 'no' feels like a torturous coldness. But on the surface, I am calm as sea, silent, melancholy. My

Expectations By Katherine Lightwood

Expectations By Katherine Lightwood  Brother of mine, ask me why the clouds expectation is hovering over my head, Confused and falling over, why is it making me drenched in pain and I am sad. Infernal emotions it is, somehow I thought it won't affect me but now I am caged, Sinful is my actions and vicious is my intentions, my soul is on fire and it's raged. I kept rolling the treads of my mind, but I forgot that I tied myself up in between, Now, I can't move myself, so thought it's wise to cover myself with a dark screen. I am enraged, brother, I am shaking with fear and doubts losing my mind, The sin that I have done, is out of our league and its not letting me be kind. Although I kept rolling the treads of my dark expectations and malicious desires, Knowing it will turn into a burning coal, but why all the time my patience expires. Why I walked on the burning lava and frozen stones, fought with mighty waves. But still my expectations betrayed me a

My Lame understanding of Quantum Chromodynamics

My Lame understanding of Quantum Chromodynamics By Katherine Lightwood Today again after completing my shift I came back to my institute and got into my reading lists. And somehow I found an article about Higgs boson. Well, I know it sounds kind of 'extremely nerdy' for a student of graphic design to read about Higgs boson. But, seems like I can't help it. So here, I've shared some of my understanding of Quantum Chromodynamics. 21 grams that is the all electrons in your body if you weigh like an average healthy human being. Now, all that mass comes from Higgs mechanism, which means that as your electrons are traveling through space-time, they interact with Higgs field, and it is that that gives them their mass. It slows them down and stops them from traveling at the speed of light. But most of your mass doesn't come from Higgs mechanism. And neither does all of the stuff that you see around you. The mass is coming from somewhere quite different. And this

Million Dollar Questions Made My Day By Katherine Lightwood

Million Doller Questions Made My Day By Katherine Lightwood Today my colleague asked me two amazing questions that made my day.And that was: 1. How will you spread your innovative idea (if you have any) to the world? 2. What your dream job be like? Well! At first, when I came to my institute after completing the shift I was quite exhausted. My day was not very good as I was feeling very down. But this questions made me feel alive again but the thing was that I was speechless. I never thought of in my life. So, like always, tongue-tied I told him that I will answer you after lunch. I spend my whole lunch hour asking myself what will be that answer as I didn't have a well-defined goal. After the lunch was over he again came up to me and asked me those two questions. And I decided to give some thought on that topic. And here is my plausible answer that goes beyond my understanding. I want to give the answer to the second questions at first. My dream job will be som

Leap of Faith By Katherine Lightwood

Leap of Faith By Katherine Lightwood Today, I am feeling completely disoriented. My headspace is messed up and also my physical health. Life is very unexpected. No one knows what will happen next. So, let's take a leap of faith. Ran from the ogres in the misty forest of Abbadon, But reached a point at the edge of the cliff, lost control of my wagon. Life of mine had two options left when I realized I was on the verge of death. Get devoured or take a leap of faith, and that thought made me out of breath. Still an in clink  I had left, a desire to live, a desire to take that last shot of life, My demons and angels got against each other, such a massive battle such a violent strife. And now I've taken a last ounce of breath, the longest sniff with a chestful of air. With all the memories I can grab, all the priceless moments that I can say are fair. I want to take that leap of faith, without the doubt but still paralyzed by its fate. Don't know I win or

The Most Brightest Cosmic Gift for Us By Katherine Lightwood

The Most Brightest Cosmic Gift for Us By Katherine Lightwood This symbol commonly called Yin Yang is a diagram symbolizing the supreme ultimate. The principle of Yin and Yang, opposites existing in harmony is associated with existing Chinese philosophy. But the very first use of iconography, the classic symbol actually comes from a shield pattern used by the ancient Romans seven hundred years before its first known use in China. The connection between the two has yet to be found. Regardless of who came up with it first, the symbol was a bright idea. Speaking about that, what is the brightest object in the entire universe? Well, technically it would be Apparent Magnitude .Commonly used when stargazing and refers to how bright an object appears to us, say when looking up from the world. Magnitudes are logarithmic and arranged like golf, where a smaller number means a greater brightness. But here I am wondering about absolute magnitude. A measure of how bright things all ov

Power Of Gratitude By Katherine Lightwood

Power Of Gratitude By Katherine Lightwood Today, I was reading an article of Entrepreneur daily on my phone after coming from my shift. And it was so amazing. It was about 18 ways to calm down when you're stressed . As I started reading it, I came up with a word called 'gratitude' . Even though it's quite a common word but in our practical life we hardly ever use it. Swayed away by the pace of life we generally tend to forget little thing and the great things in general that people in our life do for us. We blindly run in the rat race of achieving the success that we stop living our life and thanking people who do so much for us. So, I will start my list of gratitude by thanking few people in my life because of whom I am still alive and is living. Without any doubt, my Mom and Dad . They are the most beautiful people I have ever met. I am not saying this because I am biased but I am saying this from a third person's perspective. They are struggling day a

Brave By Katherine Lightwood

Brave  By Katherine Lightwood This poem I wrote for everyone who suffers from social anxiety and depression. It's a very serious problem which is often misunderstood and is not recognized. Hope, the world gets better as the time passes by. Scared of the disordered world you were, stealing your glances, Are you lost, seems like you are stuck in deviant trances. The fast-paced world this is, I know it's tough to keep up, But hold on love, don't always be like water filled in a cup. The world will break you burn you, tear apart your heart wide open, Let your tears flow like fiery falls, it's not a mark of you being broken. You were misleading yourself when you said you were a crack in the castle of glass, Castle of mirages surrounds you; you are stuck in illusion sweet lonely lass. It hurts I know when this heartless world makes you feel unwelcome, Time will build a thick skin around you, saving you from this pandemonium. So ingenious you are, agit

Bullying Is Like A Chain Reaction By Katherine Lightwood

Bullying Is Like A Chain Reaction By Katherine Lightwood Today I had a very weird experience. It seemed like somehow my old wounds had been dug up. It's quite hard to describe but I will still give it a shot. Today I met a person who is being bullied. Even though the bullying was in a very initial state but it was starting to hamper that person's mind. The person is really young and I was really worried about her. Because a childhood scar of any kind can shape a person's mind in a very destructive way. And very, unfortunately, the person was young. After describing her ordeal, she asked me if I had faced any situation like that. And when I said yes, she asked for my suggestion. And there was I speechless and tongue-tied. All my past was playing before my eyes as if I am having a life review. What I did at that time, my reactions, my decisions, my feelings and my fears were all in front of my eyes. And the person who asked me that question was staring blankly at

Drifted By Katherine Lightwood

Drifted By Katherine Lightwood Just wanted to share some old poetry that I wrote at the starting of this year. I was coming back from my hometown. While watching outside the window of the airplane I got completely lost. I don't remember why and for what I wrote it. But I just did. Well!! I guess it has something to do with my weird hobbit fantasies.  Calm and mellow, like a dream it passed, Through the crevices of my mind that shadow lurked. I sat under a lonesome fig tree and sigh, The feeling that I felt, was it real or a lie. Moon was shining up high in the sky, Glorious was that sight that I must see before I die. Then there you were shining like the shooting star, Can't recognize you while you shine so bright from that far. Just like a blazing flame of fire was your glorious gaiety, Beauty shines through your soul, defying gravity. Melancholy was I hanging my head low, watching that sight. Was losing myself completely, I shivered as I fight. Just w

"Fear" is Scary, but can be 'Powerful' By Katherine Lightwood

"Fear" is Scary, but can be 'Powerful' By Katherine Lightwood Fear gives us life. Being afraid of the right things kept our ancestors alive. It makes sense to be afraid of the poisonous insects or hungry tigers. But what about fear when there's no clear and obvious danger. For instance, a 'teddy bear' with a full set of teeth. There's something off about these images. Too much mystery and strangeness but no obvious threat. The way there is with a gun or a falling rock. Because they still insight fear and reason is they are creepy.  But why? What gives us the creeps? What causes something to be creepy or scary?  For me, it's very difficult to understand. Today, I was sitting in my classroom reading articles for my studies and all of a sudden a strange 'fear' gripped me. My heart was pounding like hell and I could barely breathe. I had no idea what was the cause of my intense fear but the whole ordeal just shooked me to the core

Advancement Of Blockchain Technology By Katherine Lightwood

Advancement Of Blockchain Technology By Katherine Lightwood Like always, today I was hanging out with my colleague  Praveen and Ritu and we were talking about our favorite nerdy stuff of technology and scientific advancements. Praveen showed us a few interviews with big tech tycoons and I was completely mesmerized by the how fast the world is heading towards perfection. And as I was thinking about the technology, I remembered a few days ago he suggested me to write about ''Block Chain Technology" . So, here you go brother, this is my understanding of blockchain technology. Block Chain is a new network and it's going to help us decentralize trade by allowing us to do a lot of our transactions, much more peer to peer directly and lower our use of intermediaries like companies or banks maybe. I think today everyone can have an understanding something about blockchain at some level. Whenever we have a transaction and let's say I buy something from anyone,

Virtual Reality is Amazing Or 'Not'? By Katherine Lightwood

Virtual Reality is Amazing Or 'Not'? By Katherine Lightwood After a long tiring day of the photoshoot, I finally came to my class and sat on my usual seat and started falling asleep. But, I tried not to, because it is a work area and it's very unprofessional to sleep and behave like this. A constant worry was poking my mind and it was the worry of what I will write for today's blog post. And for this, I asked Nikhil , our tech guy to give me some of the insight for what I'll write for the blogs. And he suggested one of my favorite topics which I completely forgot about and it's virtual reality. So, here are my thoughts on this topic. In this era, everybody is familiar with virtual reality. It is kind of the newest, shiniest, fanciest technology to kind of come out lately. It's an amazing technology and it has the potential to be a lot more. It's been said that the generation that has been grown up during world war two was the last generation

Social Media Is Designed to be Addictive By Katherine Lightwood

Social Media Is Designed to be Addictive  By Katherine Lightwood A few days ago, I was sheepishly wandering into my classroom searching for an inspiration to write something for the blogs. I was asking every colleague of mine to tell me if they got any topics to write about. Usually, all my blogging topics were suggested by my wonderful colleague Praveen or by my teacher , but this time it was different. This time a very unusual topic was suggested by a colleague of mine Subho Halder . Well, the topic is not that unusual but the person who suggested this topic, that was unusual. anyways here's my thought.  There's a  really common misconception that technology is neutral and it's up to us to choose how to use it. So, we are sitting there and scrolling and we find ourselves in this kind of warm hole and then we say 'oh man, I should really have more self-control' . And that's partially true, but what we forget when we talk about it that way is that

Fighting in the Bed of Snow By Katherine Lightwood

Fighting in the Bed of Snow By Katherine Lightwood My brain is not working anymore. I don't know what and how to write. I am only left with abstract thoughts. And I think I need to get that out before it explodes my head. So, here you go. A weird poetry again. I am standing in a thin thread of countless thorns that I call possibilities, Haunting and scaring me, binding me in the strange web of unnecessary liabilities. Opened my eyes and found myself stuck in a loophole woven by lies, So, close to 'yes' and so close to 'no', this stillness suffocates me but still no tears in my eyes. Broken was I, now a soldier in the never-ending battle of my own with my own fears, What a strange feeling it is, the winning doesn't even please me that I was longing for years. Standing still and trying to catch my breath,  I looked out for my lost frozen soul. Alas, I found it sleeping silently in a crib made of blazing fire and blackened coal. I

"Dark Web" is like a Black Hole By Katherine Lightwood

"Dark Web" is like a Black Hole By Katherine Lightwood  If you follow my blog you might know that I am doing my internship on 'Digital Marketing' and at the starting classes of our teacher told us a lot about "The Internet World" . And it festinated me so much. Today in the evening, all of my colleagues were discussing the recent Facebook scandal that had happened. Where do all those data go? And what will happen next was confusing me a lot. I was discussing this with my colleague Praveen and when he used the term "Dark Web" . And that's how I got today's topic for my blog post.  The term 'darknet' was coined in 70's, and it was meant as a way to describe networks isolated from ARPANET (advanced research project agency network) . ARPANET eventually became the commercial internet run by the private telecoms we all use today. ARPANET was created by the US Department of Defence , and it was created to share data abou

The concept of Parallel Universes By Katherine Lightwood

The concept of Parallel Universes By Katherine Lightwood When I am not insane, I consider myself to be a very rational and scientifically minded human being. And as a result, I find myself believing in some scientific theories that when I say them out loud kind of make me sound like I am insane. Ok, I will try to convince you with some of them and please bear with me if you if you are into complex physics things and nerdy stuff. So here we go!! In our own universe, there's a person identical to you, identical to this one on a planet and in a solar system that is exactly same as the one that we are in. And there are not only one of its carbon copies but there is an infinite number of them throughout our universe. And let's imagine a hypothetical situation. Imagine a man who has 100 different shirts, 250 different ties and just two pairs of trousers leaving him with possible 50000 different unique outfit combinations. However, if we are to imagine that example man was

Development of Navigation system through API By Katherine Lightwood

Development of Navigation system through API By Katherine Lightwood You've heard the story about Hansel and Gretal from Grimm's brother's fairy tales, right? Where their father left them in the forest at night and they left breadcrumbs along the way so that they can return to their way back home easily. So, my friends, today is not the medieval era anymore. There are various technologies which can help you to attain this awesomeness. And let's be fair 'breadcrumbs' is not a very good idea. So, today I want to talk to you about modern breadcrumbs in the form of 'GPS crumbs' for your mobile phone. There are thousands of apps out there they track you when they are moving. And when you are moving across space. You can grab GPS crumbs - for example when you are driving or walking. Now, let me make you understand that in layman's language. If you are traveling along a road, and you grab a whole lot of crumbs along the way chances are that they

My Love for Fiction By Katherine Lightwood

My Love for Fiction By Katherine Lightwood Have you ever been obsessed with a TV Show, have you ever completely lost yourself in a good book. Well!! if any of that sounds familiar it's probably because you've found yourself caring about fictional characters. While we know that these stories are not real, we still invest our emotions in them as if they were. So why do we do this? Well!! it might be that our brains aren't quite as good as we'd like at telling the difference and between what's real and what's fiction. As long as something appears to be an agent i.e we see it displaying a certain level of autonomy then we react towards it as if it were alive regardless of whether or not it actually is. Now, for an early man, it likely didn't make any difference if something showed had agency. It was probably because it was actually alive. However, these days it is possible for us to stimulate agency so even when we know that something isn't r

Alzheimer's Disease is A Complete Nightmare By Katherine Lightwood

Alzheimer's Disease is A Complete Nightmare By Katherine Lightwood    If you have a watch or a clock nearby, take a look at its hour hand. It moves completing a trip all the way around twice a day. Its motion is too slow to see but try to really look at it. Well!! If this watch is the milky way that would be about how far we've traveled in our solar system around our galaxy since the invention of humanity, since the beginning of our history. It's a very small distance completely unnoticeable. For most of humanity's existence, there haven't been writings, physical recording or events or ideas. Today, of course, we have writing and many different ways to physically store data. We even now have digital ones but before writing was invented all humans had was biological storage, only memories. There was no Wikipedia , no phone book or no library. But there were old peoples, and they had experienced the most, heard the most things, had the most thoughts even