
Showing posts from February, 2018

The Exotic Holi Celebration By Surbhi Mittal

The  Exotic Holi Celebration By Surbhi Mittal  My dear readers, hello!! Hopefully, you are enjoying the vibe of Spring and Festivals . Recently in my blog post of Valentine's day , I got really carried out in my emotions. I got a bit negative and I am really sorry for that. You know, experiences build a person's character. And I don't have a very good experience of understanding love that's why I wrote a bit outrageous blog. Although you might have some good experiences which may make you fall in love with the concept of "love" and I totally understand that. So, without further do, let's get into the real talk, shall we? As you might know, the festival of colors is coming and all the Decatronians is about to go crazy over that. And here I am sharing some holy facts about  "Holi". All around the world India is known as the country which is full of colors. And I think India is the world's most colorful country. India can astonis

That's how I Celebrate The Festival Of Colors By Ganesh Yadav

That's how I Celebrate The Festival Of Colors By Ganesh Yadav So, what's up!! People of the world!! How are you these days!! Hopefully fine..!!  You know you should be because life gives you things that you have never expected, no matter it's good or bad it is. Life catches you completely off guard. So, never ever expect anything from anyone, just go with the flow. So, like always valentine's day just finished and I just enjoyed this season of love very passionately, more than ever. I was genuinely happy this time, now, the reason if you ask me there will be obvious countless reasons. But the most important reason that I want to clarify here is that I was free, free from all the obstacles that were holding me back. Before loving someone I was loving my self, which was so important. So, that was an amazing thing that happened to me since the year just started. Now, let's get back to the main business that brought me here to talk to you. Till now you m

Holi Seemed Less Colorful this Time By Rahul Kumar

Holi Seemed Less Colorful this Time By Rahul Kumar  Hello, world!! How are you these days? If you ask me how I am, I will say exhausted. Do you know why? Well, I am getting extra assignments from teacher's and even though it is developing my skills, but it is also wreaking my brain. Spending sleepless nights in my institute doing rotoscope and adding effects to the video, it is actually very tough then I've expected. But as I am spending more time with myself alone I am discovering myself more and more. I had some advantages and disadvantages of course but who knows I am just going with the flow. The advantage is obviously the self-reflection but disadvantage is that I am kind of slipping into a depression phase, hopefully, it will pass after I complete my assignments. Now, life seems like black and white. Few month ago, it was like I had been stuck in a grey zone. But I have no idea what happened now, and why things are happening. It feels like I am free and bou

Legends of Holi By Praveen Pal

Legends of Holi By Praveen Pal Holi is one of the vibrant and most beautiful festivals of India. This is known as the festival of colors. There are different aspects to this great festival like social, religious and spiritual. The Legendary importance of Holi goes very far back in history. The legend goes like this. There was a great mystical sage named Kashyap who had two wives 'Aditi' and 'Diti' . From Aditi 'celestial gods' were born such as Indra (god of Rain), Agni (god of fire), Kuber (god of wealth), Vayu (god of wind) etc. While after conceiving children with his second wife "Diti" in the inauspicious time of the evening, two demons were born. When Diti came to know what had happened she endeavored her best that they shouldn't take birth and she kept them both in her womb for 100 years. But finally, the passage of the time had to take palace and these two demons were born "Hiranyaskh" and "Hiranyakashy

My Joyful Holi By Ritu Sharma

My Joyful Holi By Ritu Sharma Hey, world!! Here I am again. So, valentine's season is finally over. And it seems like people have quite pored their heart out in blogs, especially me, and by people I mean "Decatronians"  of course. Seems like these days love has wreaked everyone, including me. Now, if you are wondering if anything has happened to me, my answer will be "no". But to be truthful, the world is feeling with darkness and so am I. Looks like I am slipping into a depression phase without any reason. I hope things will brighten up with time, but right now everything looks gloomy. I am very thankful that our teachers have introduced us to blogging. I can't explain how thankful I am for this. It has helped me in so many ways that I couldn't have imagined. I am not good at writing or anything but to a severe introvert like me it is just a voice to connect with so-called  "common folks".  So, whenever I get time I blog,

This is a surprising Holi By Nandan Negi

This is a surprising Holi By Nandan Negi Hey, my friends!! How are you doing these days? Winter is about to finish and it's the start of spring. And this is my favorite part of the year.   Now, ask me why? Isn't it obvious!! it's the most blissful time where it's neither cold or warm, it's the season of flowers and bucketful of happiness. Recently we all celebrated the "season of love" or Valentine's Day . It was quite enjoying to be fair. We all "Decatronians" talked about our love and passion. My friend Praveen started the discussion, and it all ended in a very different way. It felt like we are in a rehab center, and we all are confessing our deeds, and the only difference was that we are expressing something that we are very happy about. And that's how it ended. Some of us had very bad experiences in that field, some had amazing and few had none. Doesn't matter, love has always been an enigma me personally. I

My Plans for this Holy Holi By Roshni Rao

My Plans for this Holy Holi By Roshni Rao Hey, people of the world. It's party time.   How have you been these days?  I hope you all have enjoyed the season of love unlike me. As you know, I am stuck in a digital marketing internship which is literally consuming my whole life of leisure. Now, it's just work, work, and work. How will I manage everything and what will I do I don't have any idea. As you know, in my recent blog post of Valentine's day it looked like I was pretty skeptical about the concept of love. Yesterday, my friend asked me again about a very complex "love" problem and it literally pissed me off. He said if you love someone how could you not be with them. Although I was completely tongue-tied at that moment. As I went home, I gave a lot of thought to this comment. And all I understood, if you love someone, you couldn't let him or her destroy their life for you. Love is unconditional. And if you love the person, and see that

Valentine's Day concept Art By Katherine Lightwood

Valentine's Day concept Art By Katherine Lightwood Hey there!! How are you all? After all my colleagues posted their blogs about Valentine's Day , here I am feeling tired and exhausted trying to speak about "love" . I know it's been very late and there is no point in talking about this now, but hey! let's break some rules, shall we? From some of my colleague's blogs , you might have known that I asked everyone about what they think about love , or what is their perception of "true love" . Well!! Everybody shared their story with me and I was truly amazed by everyone's perception, it's was really beautiful especially Praveen's story . When I was discussing that with my colleagues one of them asked me about my point of view about "love" , and I was tongue-tied. I couldn't say a single word. I mean what would I say. I know nothing about love . To be fair, that emotion is very alien to me. So, I decided to

True Love is Strange By Rishab Verma

True Love is Strange  By Rishab Verma Well!Well!! What is going on in this season of love these days? If you ask me I would rather say "amazing" celebrated it with friends because my they are my "real love" . All my colleagues are blabbering so much about love, love, and love and it's getting on my nerves now. Looks like this term has been overly used and has lost its meaning. To be honest I've never fallen in love. I don't know what it feels like to be in love so it's better not to blabber much on that topic. I have been attracted to many girls, but the real connection I have never felt. Don't know if it will ever be possible but I've lost my faith in it. Although deep down inside my heart I sometimes fantasize about love. What it would be? If I let my guard down then I will say, it's when the person walks in that door and you looked at her like it's the first time you've ever seen her. And your heart drops, you a

Love is Errorless By Harshita Pandey

Love is Errorless By Harshita Pandey Hello !! Beautiful people of the world, how are you all?  This valentine's day just passed while I was in my hometown. Away from all my friends, I didn't quite celebrate this day, that day passed gloomily. So what is love? All my colleagues have been so freaked out about this concept as if some hell just broke...!! For me love is indescribable. And, that's why I've come here to give some thought on my perspective of love. Here's the deal, life is really all about love. I've seen people choose between two things love or something else . And what I've witnessed and experienced is this, when people choose love they always choose right. As simply I can put it, we are here on this very earth to love and to be loved. Love is "light".  We all yearn for opportunities to love and be loved.If you are skeptical about who you are in love with then ask yourself. What sizes your imagination, what gets you

That's How I Met My Love By Rahul Kumar

That's How I Met My Love By Rahul Kumar Hello World!! What's going on? Are you enjoying the season of love...?? Love seemed to flow in the air these days. Everyone is getting so excited about this Valentine's day. Well !! the day passed as expected. And I obviously spend my whole day working. Our teacher gave us some freelance work and we had to do that. So, the plan that I've made for that day, was completely ruined. Thought it would be awesome to spend that day with my love, but what a wishful thinking was that. No worry, for me every day is a valentine day when I am with my love. Now, let me tell you a bit about my Love Story . Quite a strange encounter that was, when I first meet her. She was my sister's best friend. I have a mischievous habit of checking my sister's phone and that's what I did. One day she went out somewhere and left her phone on the couch. And seeing the golden moment I snatched it and started checking her phone. While se

For me "Love" is Alluring By Nandan Negi

For me "Love" is Alluring By Nandan Negi  My friends!! How are you today? Hope you spend this Valentine's Day with all your loved ones. This day is celebrated as a "day of love" but unfortunately everyone here has kind of negative perception over this day. As if everybody is afraid to love. So, what exactly is so scary about love. Let's dive deep into the rabbit hole to unravel the dark secrets of this love, shall we? So, what is love? Scientifically speaking love is just reactions of few neurotransmitters and hormones, but does it really feel that way...? No right...!! Love feels way different than it is described in textbooks. I recently listened to a TED talk where the host said when a person falls in love their thoughts kind of match with patients with Schizophrenia. Their mind is constantly swirling with thoughts of someone they love. And then at some point, it dies down, the peak of the curve becomes shorter and shorter as the time pas

Lore of My True Love Praveen Pal

Lore of My True Love Praveen Pal Hello, world!! Happy Valentine Day in advance!! I hope all of you are celebrating this special day with your loved one. Everyone in digital decatron is literally getting crazy about this day. Now if you ask me "crazy" in what way? "Crazy" means some of us are very happy, some are irritated, some are furious and some are rather quite silent. Now, this is my blog then, of course, I will share my story. Well!! If you ever meet me in person you can never believe me after listening to my story.  And in blogs, it's an advantage that you can't see me yet I can tell you my story and you will listen to me without judging me by my face. So, without blabbering about anything else let's began my love story. It was a bright sunny day in a small city of Rajasthan , I was in my 8th grade. Was extremely, feeling sleepy in a class wasn't able to concentrate on anything. Suddenly, a gush of cold wind brushed my face and I

Vicious Thing called "Love" By Surbhi Mittal

Vicious Thing called "Love" By Surbhi Mittal What's up!! People!! Celebrating the Valentine Day!! I know  I know, chocolates, posh gift, and what not. Must be enjoying a lot. Of course, you should, I am not envying your happiness. But focus on one thing, is it real...?? Ask yourself, the thing that you are running behind, how true is that. Is that you really want. No one can love you ever in the way that you've ever wanted. No one can ever understand you. And that's a fact, I am not saying anything obscure. Think about it a bit, is the person you think you love is a Jedi...? No, they are not, and neither they are mind reader I suppose. Then how come will they understand you? So, the thing you are thinking is completely fictitious. You are stuck an illusion, so wake up before it wreaks you. You are completely clueless or I will say you are stuck in a facade. The  "Love" that   people are drooling over, is it some kind of philosopher'

Love is Confusing By Roshni Rao

Love is Confusing By Roshni Rao Hey guys...What's going on? Today is Valentine's Day . And love is totally on the air. I am in such a good mood right now. All my decatronians   are getting lazy in this day, even though I told them to get out and party a bit but seems like no one listens to me. But I am a big party pooper, I love going to parties. And that's what I am planning to do. Since morning I am in a very happy mood, I can't explain you why because of obvious reasons. As usual, and came to my institute to attend my classes and now after completing that I thought why not spend some time on the blog. Letting things out is kind of relieving to me especially through writing. Recently, Miss Lightwood asked everyone about his/her perception of "true love" . And until now I've never thought about this absurd topic, but now seems like I have to face this nuisance. "Love" this thing has always been my greatest fear. Of course, I'

Dusk of my Love By Subho Halder

Dusk of my Love By Subho Halder Hi, my friends!! Seems like I am the first one to hop in to celebrate the festival of love. Doesn't matter because this festival has lost its meaning for me. It is clearly valueless for me now. Ask me why? I will explain you that. First, let me take a sip of water so I can cool my nerves. Here I come, so what are we discussing, "love" right !! Yeah. Love is one of the strongest emotion that I have faced till now and strange too. In my life, I am fortunate enough to experience that emotion quite vividly. Now, you might be wondering what has happened to me. Well!! I am wreaked. Love hit me in a most unusual way. I met someone once and the person literally stole my heart. We became friends quickly but I could never express my real feelings to her. It always felt like times slows down and everything stopped for a while. At first, it felt blissful and really awesome. I was a quiet young man that time and I came to know the real m

My understanding of True Love By Ganesh Yadav

My understanding of True Love By Ganesh Yadav Hello, fellas!! How are you these days!! Enjoying the festival of love? This Valentine day seemed strange this time. Well!! As you know in our Decatron family gets really insane in every festive mood because we get creative assignments that our teacher gives us. But guess what, this time no one has given us any assignments actually. I mean what would they possibly say, make love quotes. That's weird. No, actually we all planned to celebrate this season of love with everyone in a most creative way. And of courses what could be better than blogging and pouring your heart out. It's relieving and therapeutic. So, everyone is getting along sharing their perspective of love, talking about their experiences, getting their frustration out. Well!! I am here sitting and gawking, left with no perspective about what exactly love is and what happens when someone falls in love. Is there any defined rules in love, how and with wh

My Musical Love Manoj Thapa

My Musical Love Manoj Thapa Hey guys, what's up!! Seems like I am the first one to hop into this lovey-dovey business. So, people of the world, here I am with an extra dose of "love" from whole Digital Decatron family. To be fair, I am not directly involved in the dating vibe. I am going with the flow right now and like always I am passionately in love with music. My music is my first love, as it always makes me happy. As everyone is talking so much about love so why should I stop. So, let's discuss a bit about my love story, my musical story. Since I was little kid, I simply loved music. I used to listen to my mom singing lullaby to me, and since then I fell in love with music. Music has always been my backbone and lifesaver, whenever I was stuck in despair it sheltered me in the most delicate way. Since then I got attached to music. My main musical journey begins after I got out from high school. Afer facing lots of rejection I was completely cl

That so-called "Love" Ritu Sharma

That so-called "Love" Ritu Sharma My friends. How are you...? It's been a while that I haven't written anything so, here I come. Well!! All my colleagues are literally going crazy about Valentine's day. Talking about their crushes, their love, planning and giving gifts to their lovers and here I am sitting and thinking what the hell is going on. Well!! There is another person to accompany me on this "problem" and it's Miss Lightwood . We are not in this dating business, completely out of it. I may consider "it" later in life but about Miss Lightwood , she is quite strange to be fair. No one really knows what goes inside her mind, so it's better not to talk about it. Yesterday we were talking about this topic "love", what is "true love"? and as much as we started discussing that, the more complex the matter started to become. Generally, we don't discuss these absurd topics when we hang out, but after