
Showing posts from July, 2018

What I've learned in my life till now By Katherine Lightwood

What I've learned in my life till now By Katherine Lightwood  With the usual strange morning blues, today I am having a bit of life review situation. While sipping the morning expresso and thinking about 'what will I write' for my blog, I got an amazing idea. Well!! the idea is amazing but I don't know what will be the outcome. And the idea is 'What I've learned in my life after living for 24 years'.  Well! if anyone asks this question to me then I will simply laugh at their face and say... "Dude Nothing" . But that's not true. Honestly and very surprisingly I've learned a few things but in a very harsh way. And the past year 2017 and 2018 too, is being quite eye-opening for me. Ok so without extra talking let me share some of the lessons I've learned. 1. TIME is a very very precious thing. It's incomparable, priceless and you will never get the time that you've lost. If you don't know me then let me tell you

Lore of a Silent Soul By Katherine Lightwood

Lore of a Silent Soul By Katherine Lightwood They say the world is a stage, and we all play our part, After we complete our task, we all need to depart. But it's the threads on our heart that bind us to the destiny, Whatever we decide, we all will be under scrutiny. The vicious time will cut those threads of our quiet hearts, We will bleed and senselessly ponder and collect the broken parts And thus a dark soul is born, Loves to be in melancholy, thrive in forlorn. Drenched in pain while cuddling the pieces of broken heart, And might be it's the reason they are so close to the art. Where they can lament about the pain of their soul, They will cry tearlessly, sometimes will curl up in a hole. Where the world will joyously praise their gifts and the art, But that will scratch their wound and they will grieve while playing the part. While the world makes merry and celebrates their victory, Silently, they will stitch the pieces of heart while remembering th

A Silent Travelogue Part -1 By Katherine Lightwood

A Silent Travelogue Part -1 By Katherine Lightwood I walked alone within the shadows of the pine cone, Stumbled upon thousands of thorns and colorful stone. Saw monsters running wild and dancing forest nymphs, Kept lurking through the melancholy crevices just to get a glimpse Of this magical bloom, where sun too shy away from its allure, Inexplicable is its mightiness, heard stories about its grandeur. So, I ran across the seven seas, conquered the mountain peaks, Just to get a glimpse of my arcane love, waited countless weeks. And there came the city of light, where maidens hum the hymns of valiance.  Of course, it was for this gallant savior, who saved the city with his competence. It was dusk in this foreign land, the land was lighted by the skylights, And there I saw the mighty knight, lightened my soul and my sight. But I soon hid from the sight into the corner of a dark maze, I lurked from the shadows to see the light, without meeting his gaze. Just like t

Is the 'PAST' real...? By Katherine Lightwood

Is the 'PAST' real...? By Katherine Lightwood How do we even know the past really happened? Nor just the way we think it happened, but at all? Like seriously? Can you prove that the universe wasn't created, like yesterday!! The everything, every person, every memory you have, every photo you've taken didn't just pop into existence last week or five minutes ago? The crazy question right?... I know!! This theory doesn't have actual followers or rituals but proving it wrong is impossible. Not because the universe was created like this, but this theory is not falsifiable or it can't be shown to be false. Many people believe that in order for a theory and explanation to be 'Scientific' it must be possible to refute it, to prove it wrong. So this above question that I asked at the start of my blog falls into the domain of Philosophy where luckily there are razors or little rules of thumb that shaves off unlikely explanations. And the most

A Silent Orison By Katherine Lightwood

A Silent Orison By Katherine Lightwood What a chaos your world has become, my lord, Some innocent gaiety that I could never afford. Screaming loudly at the top of their lung, The world is making me insane, I am too tired to run. A melancholy peace I seek and that's my only wish, My mind is in rage, I can hardly keep it on a leash. Just like a forgotten old story, I left my wish behind, Scared of this loud world, I hide it, now it's nowhere to find. But in between the bedlam and chaos, a silent angel I just saw Caged and broken it was, fighting hard, was about to glow. Standing in the middle of nowhere, I was frozen and awed, It's beauty blinded my weary eyes, truly it was the creation of god. What a curse it was for the eyes to see such a brutal sight, A soldier of god it was, why it is punished, what was its fight. The broken angel lurked at me, lifting its heavy eyes, A thousand scars I can see as if something within it dies. Drenched in sorrow,

The Nightmare of a Quiet Person By Katherine Lightwood

The Nightmare of a Quiet Person By Katherine Lightwood A few days ago I was quietly writing something that my boss has told me to while sitting on a chair beside her. My mind fully emerged on that subject. I was concentrating hard to get my thoughts out. Suddenly, my boss said something that knocked me out of my concentration zone. "Why are you sad today? Something happened? I am there for you if you need to talk". For a few seconds, I was totally blank and as I gathered my senses I started thinking how will I answer her question. Because first of all, I was far beyond 'Sad' and second even if I was, it is impossible for me to "talk to somebody like my boss about any adverse issue I am facing". And that, my friends, is a very good example of a nightmare in a day of a quite or introverted person. I mean at that time my thoughts were fully concentrated on that subject she was talking about. And what I was supposed to say about that "Mam, I nee

Untitled Grief Part-10 By Katherine Lightwood

Untitled Grief Part-10 By Katherine Lightwood Today I searched for the Sun, Lurking behind the clouds it smiled as I run. I thought today, clouds might rain down, But kept waiting while others laughed at me as I looked like a clown. My heart was bleeding, as I shoved a knife inside, Hopelessly walked over the pavement, as I just couldn't decide. The dream that I dreamt between the horizons of my nightmare, So numb I've become, nothing can shake me, not even despair. Longing for a single drop of tear to bestow upon my fate, A dark mist is suffocating my soul which was something I used to hate. But what about now, am I addicted to this strange kind of pain? I wish my Lord would have mercy upon my soul as I've nothing to gain. My weary eyes are dry now, I wish this rain would wash away my sorrow, Wish this cloud will wash away those memories, that I once used to follow. I am still waiting for the rain to pour down and wash away my fears, With all those

Dark Matter is not so Dark By Katherine Lightwood

Dark Matter is not so Dark By Katherine Lightwood The Dark Matter ... Sounds pretty dramatic haa...!! Like some sinister squishy thing under the control of Darth Vader ...!! Although that's not the case... because it is only called Dark Matter because it doesn't interact with light. It doesn't reflect light, doesn't absorb light, doesn't interact with electromagnetic radiation or any light at all. That's what we call it dark... Yeah, it's that boring...!! I know, it's a pretty Physics statement and not quite a sci-fi. But I promise you there's is so many mysteries surrounding dark matter. So, dark energy makes up 69% of the energy density in the universe. 26%of them is dark matter, 5% of them is the baryonic matter or our ordinary matter. And that 5% (the baryonic matter) that includes me, you, our earth, our solar system and rest of the so-called "visible universe". So, how do we know that? All the way back in 1933, a dude na

Untitled Grief Part-9 By Katherine Lightwood

Untitled Grief Part-9 By Katherine Lightwood I once set out on a journey of following my heart, Lost in a strange tornado of dreams, my wish and I went apart. Got bruised, broken and mauled by the demons of my mind, The wind of madness was blowing strong, I had nothing to bind. The storm took away my gaiety and the pride that I once flaunted. The jewels I am left with has lost its shine, so the world has taken me granted. So, I crawled inside a dungeon, filled with a thick mist of  disgust, Somewhere there I saw a ray of light, coming from that city of rust. Paralysed I was standing there, gawking like a fool in a heavenly light, Demons of my forgotten storm were raging above me that I couldn't fight. Then I held the light in my heart, as it started igniting my way, Sometimes the glory of this glorious light still hunts me even through the day. Suddenly, I got the lamp for this light, so I held it and never let it out of my sight, It gave me warmth in my hear

Soul Sufferer By Katherine Lightwood

Soul Sufferer By Katherine Lightwood Like burnt Charcoal has been my mind, Burning red and flaming hot, very different from my kind. Sometimes I lose myself in between my senseless agitation, Repercussions of my devious sins will become my damnation. No matter how hard I try to repay the cost of my sins, The weight of my transgressions will always prick me like pins. They say I've torn apart the wings of the angels, So, shunned from the Lord's paradise, now I am one of those rebels. Lost all felicity, the once I had borrowed from a broken heart, My soul is suffering from its demise, my soul and I have grown apart. So, I often bow my head down as the shackles of perplexity binds me, I am becoming so blind now, only turmoil and tyranny I could see. Again, I am a wanderer, with the faded trails of my melancholy dreams, I often get lost in the maze of voices and often submerge myself into the screams. So, they say bare your soul dear child, it is meant to be

Dyson's Sphere: Is it real? By Katherine Lightwood

Dyson's Sphere: Is it real? By Katherine Lightwood A few days ago, read an article about something I used to know but I was not very sure about it. And after my reading, it just opened my eyes. IF something like this exists in reality then ...Wow, the universe is awesome. The idea of Dyson's sphere always captured our imagination. Vast mega structure capable of harvesting the power output of entire stars. The as yet inexplicable Kepler space telescope observe swarms of somethings partially eclipsing a distant star has lead to some rampant speculation. So my Today's Question: Are Dyson's sphere exists in reality? In 1960, astrophysicist Freeman Dyson proposed that a sufficiently advanced civilization would have such extreme real estate and energy requirements that they might build an artificial habitat in the form of a vast shell surrounding their parent star. Such Dyson's sphere would be a possible target for our search for extraterrestrial intelligenc

Untitled Grief Part-8 By Katherine Lightwood

Untitled Grief Part-8 By Katherine Lightwood In between my countless thoughts and unanswered questions, Today, I again asked myself something to get a strange confession. It was a thoughtful appeal to the shadow of  my dream without any gain, When you come to me, embrace me with the silence and pouring rain. So that my thoughtless tears may roll down and merge with this downpour, Some forlorn wishes of mine that I can forget that is making my heart sore. Once I wrote some forbidden wishes on a journal, can I give it to you? I will scatter myself in this realm of sorrow, and that is not very much new. This devious time is vexed with me now, is not letting me say my words aloud, I am going far apart from the shadow of my dream, I am getting lost in the crowd. But I pleaded my dream, do come again with those bundles of forgotten hope Bring back those shooting stars to wish again, now I will tie them with a rope. Some thoughts I've buried deep inside my heart, but

The enigmatic CRISPER Cas 9 By Katherine Lightwood

The enigmatic CRISPER Cas 9 By Katherine Lightwood A few days ago while sitting in my class and frustratingly scrolling down through my phone in search of some topic I came across an article which kind of blew my mind. Because of my limited knowledge of genetics and molecular biology I could understand what a havoc CRISPER Cas 9 can create in our body if we don't know everything about it. And for sure, research is going about this and I am keeping my fingers crossed. A lot of hay has been made about CRISPER Cas 9, the gene editing technique, so precise, so easy, so versatile that it opened the possibility of chopping and swapping DNA around like a molecular level Dr. Frankenstein. The implications are huge for our humans and our genome. Like we could alter the genes of embryos, or treat genetic disease in those who already born. Now, in 2018 clinical; trials on humans are scheduled to start for the first time. But just as they are getting underway, there might be a pro

Untitled Grief Part-7 By Katherine Lightwood

Untitled Grief Part-7 By Katherine Lightwood Writing sensible paragraph is getting impossible for me. So, here you go, another poem from my freakishly weird mind. Like lethal bullets, the words ricocheted,  That was my nightmare that I never appreciated. Like a never-ending game that was, like a live wire in my heart, Forlorn I 've become now, I've always played a forgotten part. In between the silent breeze of thoughtful words about the part I've played, I was losing serenity and my priceless bliss that will now get erased. I am a wanderer, no rights I possess to claim this priceless gaiety, Is this a strange nightmare or I wonder if it is a part of an enigmatic divinity. So, I plead and I grieve to this abominable time that is passing by, I wish I could capture a moment for just silent mourning and a happy sigh. Alas!! I can't move as I am bound by the demons of my fanciful distress, I laugh sometimes when countrymen of mine worry about my delig

My Dream By Katherine Lightwood

My Dream By Katherine Lightwood Far as the mountain and mighty as the sky is my dream, It is high beyond the reach and loud beyond my scream, A beautiful strike of light in the pitch dark night between the storms, My dream looks like a shadow of mine completely breaking the old norms. But this dream is within a dream, just a reminiscent of my broken wishes, Between me and my dream, there are a thousand thorns and many broken bridges.  I wonder sometimes is my dream a reality, or a shadow or some divine entity, But like always I stumble upon my unanswered questions about losing my serenity.  This dream I wish to dream is said to be forbidden and so sinful, Then why it gives me life and nurture my soul and makes me gleeful. My dream is equal to millions of mighty knights saving me from the vengeful war, My dream could be like a soft feather and diamond shining from afar.  My dream has given me a hope and a faith to live and thrive again, But lonesome is my dream, a

Untitled Grief Part-6 By Katherine Lightwood

Untitled Grief Part-6 By Katherine Lightwood It is consuming me completely, That I am trying to shake so desperately, But alas, alas my pain, the heart-wrenching agony deep inside, Some say it's my madness while I call it my deep seeded plight. How can I even sigh with this emptiness  of my mind, I couldn't grieve out loud, as my stars are not aligned. This unsaid and forbidden grief that I've caged in my chest, I am losing my perfection in hiding this, but once I was the best. My senseless words couldn't articulate my thoughts or this feeling, I am losing my mind and in the inside, my heart is bleeding. Is it a curse or a blessing, that I am feeling right now, Because sometimes it feels like heaven and I want to bow. Sometimes I call my mind, a disastrous war zone, It's not war, it's an Armageddon, and that's not my own. My heart sings a melancholy lament, unheard, soft and mellow, I keep on swallowing the pain of my guilt, there

The present is not exactly what you think it is? By Katherine Lightwood

The present is not exactly what you think it is?  By Katherine Lightwood For the years leading up to the President Roosevelt's first live speech in 1939, engineers have been working on one particular technical problem. How to ensure the audio and video to remain perfectly synced during the live broadcast? And without this, the words and lip movements don't match which would be annoying and be distracting for the viewers. So, how did they do it? Actually, they didn't? Instead, they discovered something pretty incredible. And that is, we are not very good at discerning whether audio and video are in sync. The engineers at that time also found that there is an asymmetry in our tolerance for this misalignment. We don't really notice if a sound lags video by 125 milliseconds but we can tell if something is wrong if it's lading the video by more than 45 milliseconds. Imagine if you are at the basketball game and because of how far away you are sitting, the so

Distortion By Katherine Lightwood

Distortion By Katherine Lightwood Today I pulled out a cord from my heart, To unleash my soul so that it can depart. But didn't know that its roots were so deep, Sitting still was I, making promises I couldn't keep. A pain radiated from my heart and dashed into my soul, It felt as if, I was pushed into a bed of burning coal. Now I know, the labyrinth of roots have grown deep inside me, Slowly I am dying inside and that's all I can see. I didn't know that a torn heart could beat again, I simply kept thinking how a broken heart could break again. A tornado of my thoughts has wreaked my mind, But on the surface, I am calm, composed and kind. Sometimes I wonder if I've held that for too long, Or if I am pretending that I am strong. But for how long, how far will I drag my broken self, It will vanish or devour me as there's no me and myself. So, is it a reality or just a simple imaginative fiction, I've started to wonder if I am just a

Reasons We haven't found aliens yet (My Perspective) By Katherine Lightwood

Reasons We haven't found aliens yet (My Perspective) By Katherine Lightwood Have you ever wondered why don't we see alien civilization? The 'Kepler Space Observatory' has told us there are a couple of hundred billion nice watery planets in the Milkey Way and probably millions of them are Earth-sized planets around sun-sized stars. Many of them have been around long enough to produce a civilization that would have easily colonized the entire galaxy by now. This genuine oddity is referred to as the Fermi Paradox and the resolution for it has to be that there's some sought of great filter that either makes the intelligent life extremely rare on the first place. Or that wipes out essentially all advanced civilizations before they get to the galactic empire stage. Whether it can be by nuclear war or environmental catastrophe, accidentally making a black hole that swallows the planet etc. Personally speaking, I am not buying it. I just don't think that

My Triumph is Becoming My Agitation By Katherine Lightwood

My Triumph is Becoming My Agitation By Katherine Lightwood Behold Wanderer!! My heart says, take a breath and let it out, My mind says the wind will hear the thought of your breath if you sigh that aloud. So, I held my painful breath within my heart with the shackles of modesty, Couldn't let my mask fall, couldn't let thought disappoint my dynasty. Now my long-held breath is killing my soul and wounding my heart in return. Pieces of my broken heart are teaching me something which I didn't want to learn. A facade of triumph has been bestowed upon my dark mask, Its weight is breaking my bones, leaving me alone, I have nobody to ask. I saw and I heard about my countrymen lament upon my forged perfection, Tounge tied was I, standing paralyzed, thinking about my sinful revelation. Thinking about my heinous thoughts, I shivered in pain and despair, So, thought to shut my mouth as my thoughts are beyond repair. Now a heavyweight of forged triumph I carry alon

Untitled Grief: Part-5 By Katherine Lightwood

Untitled Grief: Part-5 By Katherine Lightwood My soul has lost the meaning of ecstasy, Sometimes I doubt if it's my fate or a fantasy. If it's a dream within a dream that I am holding on to, Then why I shine like a morning light that falls on dew. The light of my glorious shine is my own delight, But a thousand dewdrops merged into me to get that only light. I thrived like a sunflower on that morning glory, Got fixed and got broken again, and that is my own story. Now, it's dusk of my story under the sunken light of the sun. Drenched in a strange sorrow, my heart started to burn. Just like a thousand shards of glass, it's pricking my soul, Standing alone with a bleeding heart, held my glory in a bowl. The glory that I say, isn't mine, that's the light I stole from a star. That's why I gaze upon the endless sky, remembering that it's so far. Now, my soul has flown away with the gaiety I bestowed once. The sky is clouded again, see

What I think of 'Higher Power' By Katherine Lightwood

What I think of 'Higher Power' By Katherine Lightwood I've struggled with religion over the years. I was raised as a Hindu . After my grandmother died a few years ago, I became a fully fledged  ATHIEST .  Then, I discovered something spiritual called 'Swedenborgian Christianity' which did answer some of my angry questions. And finally, I am settled on being agnostic. From my experience, spirituality is something my generation doesn't really look at. We don't really question it. We are not encouraged to meditate, and when we try to... Holy, mother of Hashtag, it's hard. I am also not a big fan of organized religion. I don't understand how we can have 'one size fit all book of rules' for all the humanity and we can claim to know where we go after we die when we can't even explain the phenomenon that happens in the subatomic level.  So, should I believe in God? And if so which one should I believe in?  Should I believe

Thoughtful Dilemma By Katherine Lightwood

Thoughtful Dilemma  By Katherine Lightwood What a strange and thoughtful dilemma it is, In one side it’s burning fire and another it is endless bliss. Seems like I want to take a breath out of this ocean, But I am addicted now to this intense potion. It got merged with my heart and soul and even the breath I take, Can’t deny the truth behind this thought, can’t deny that it’s fake. I am bound by the strong shackles of time, Thoughtless my mind has become as I am composing this rhyme. Counting my days just like a ticking time bomb, Hope is dead inside me now, as my mind went numb. Now, I lament over some mindless and thoughtful melody Thinking it will heal my soul, but it’s not a remedy. But rarely, life inside me pinches my soul to wake up, Memories of my torment overflow as if it will spill out from the cup. How long will I hold on to my dear life and how long is my time? How long will I drag my soulless body, how high will I climb? At the

Being Vulnerable is Courageous By Katherine Lightwood

Being Vulnerable is Courageous  By Katherine Lightwood Being vulnerable is hard. Because it means opening yourself up to be emotionally hurt. And who wants that? Who wants to open up only to be smacked down? But being vulnerable today means having the courage to be yourself in the world where we curate people's perception of us, where we equate our values with likes and followers in our social media platforms. But I think being vulnerable is such a beautiful thing and a key to more intimate relationships. It gives you a deeper connection with family, friends and loved ones. And YES!! It's scary as HELL!! A few days ago, I and my classmates Praveen and Nandan were talking something about technology and web development while sitting in our favorite room where we had our 'Digital Marketing Internship'. And little did we know we quickly deviated from talking about artificial intelligence to talking about some of our biggest fears and heartbreaks. And when I r

The 'Dark Space' is not really By Dark Katherine Lightwood

The 'Dark Space' is not really Dark By Katherine Lightwood If you've learned one awesome thing about astronomy and the massiveness of the universe, it's probably that the universe is 13.8 billion years old, space itself is expanding and our observable universe at 93 billion lightyears across is accelerating in its expansion, such that someday all the object in the universe might actually fly apart and never to return But the second thing you might have learned about is the " Hubble's Deep Field" and let me tell you (especially the non-nerds) that what an awesomeness it is. In 1995 scientist choose the darkest patch of the night sky and focussed the Hubble Space Telescope there for 10 consecutive days. The patch was only 2.5 arc minutes across. (If you have any doubt about arc minutes then please google it before you get too confused). Bottom line the area of the Hubble Deep field is tiny. They took this piece of the night sky and focussed

Untitled Grief Part -4 By Katherine Lightwood

Untitled Grief Part -4 By Katherine Lightwood The dark grim clouds were overcasting the empty sky, A sudden sorrow gripped my heart, but couldn’t know why. My soul synced with the with the gloomy and misty daylight, I was standing in the solitary, ready to take a melancholy flight. But a shadow gripped my heart, crushing it and tearing it apart. Wanted to break free, but seems like my soul can’t depart. So I stayed, I am staying and I will stay in this lonesome cage, Which is now my prison and playground without the bridge. But I still shiver, in pain and pleasure and the reason I want to know, Why my thoughts are directionless now and making me kind of low. I want to rise but I don’t want to, want to live but I don’t want to, What a silent chaos I am in, and that is something beyond new. As the cruel war is raging in my mind, It’s making me a stranger who couldn’t be defined. But I am addicted to this peculiar pain that is bestowed upon me. B